Subnautica is a unique experience. It’s a story-driven sandbox survival horror game. Not many games can claim an excellent underwater level/section. However, Subnautica is truly built differently as most of it is set underwater. It is truly a breathtaking experience. To play a game that seems like Minecraft and Stranded Deep had a baby that aliens raised.
Key Takeaways
- In Subnautica, the Aurora is a colony ship created by the Alterra Company.
- The Aurora set-piece is extensive, with many sections in and out of the water.
- To explore the Aurora fully, the player needs to use several tools they have acquired during their journey, including a Propulsion Cannon, Laser Cutter, Radiation Suit, and Repair Tool.
- The player can obtain Aurora Door Codes by exploring the ship.
- The player can acquire four Aurora Door Codes: Cargo Bay 3 Door – 1454, Cabin 1 Door – 1869, Captain’s Cabin Door – 2679, and Lab Access Door – 6483.
- Subnautica has an open world of secrets and life, including glowing alien salmon, ancient alien civilizations, and big set pieces.
The gameplay is nothing to scoff at either. It includes the resource gathering aspect reminiscent of RPGs and puzzle elements such as finding Aurora door codes while also having base-building gameplay reminiscent of Minecraft.
All things aside, here are the Aurora Door Codes.
Aurora Door Codes
Cargo Bay 3 Door – 1454
This code can be found in the Administration Office with a Data Download. That room also contains a Prawn Suit Poster and an Abandoned PDA.
Cabin 1 Door – 1869
Cutting through the Sealed Door will lead the player into a Locker Room. This room will have many open lockers and contain an abandoned PDA with a data download. This will give you the Cabin 1 Door code.
Captain’s Cabin Door – 2679
The player receives this code within the story on their radio.
Lab Access Door – 6483
The code for this can be found within an abandoned PDA. After the player goes from the Prawn Suit Bay, this is received underwater at the far left corner to get to the lab entrance.
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That’s not all; however, Subnautica provides the player with big set pieces and creatures to explore alongside an open world teeming with life and secrets. The game has it all, from glowing alien salmon to ancient alien civilizations researching a deadly virus. Some of the extraordinary level design can be seen alongside the team’s passion for its development. Some of these set pieces include the examples shown below but are not limited to.
We mentioned that this game was story-driven, which is quite true. So we will try to limit any spoilers in this guide; however, be warned as there will be minor spoilers for the story and locations in the game.
The Aurora
In-game lore tells that the Aurora is a colony ship by the Alterra Company, meant to terraform planets and sow the seeds for the spread of humankind across the galaxy. The primary purpose of the craft was to build a phase gate in a sector of the universe. Its secondary mission, unknown to the crew, was to search for and possibly rescue the crew of the Degasi, another ship by Alterra Company.
However, moving away from the lore side of the game and coming to the actual gameplay, it’s quite a remarkable set piece. Subnautica has this quality of showing the player a fantastic sight just beyond the horizon and letting the player explore that horizon after enough time.
The Aurora set-piece is quite large and intricate, with many parts both in and out of the water and utilizing many tools the player would have acquired along their journey, as the Aurora is typically a mid to late game area. The main tools required to access all the doors with the code are a Propulsion Cannon, Laser Cutter, Radiation Suit, and Repair Tool. It is also home to some of the game’s most annoying creatures known as the “Cave Crawlers.”
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Final Thoughts
Subnautica is quite a unique game, as it employs the element of environmental storytelling very well. Especially within the Aurora Door Codes section. The rooms and areas have a unique personality, while the PDAs help give a sense of life that existed within these areas. It’s also interesting how the codes you get for the rooms are found essentially through encouraging exploration of every part of the ship.
Give Subnautica a try, as it is a fantastic game with even more amazing details packed into it. And while you are here, why not check out some of our other guides written by our talented writers. An excellent guide to pair with this one is the Subnautica Multipurpose Room
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I’m an avid gamer turned content writer, my hobbies include but are not limited to different forms of content creation. Not a complicated person, I play games and write about them. Currently attending university for Data Sciences. My favorite past-time is trying to different challange runs of Soulsborne and Souls-like games in the goofiest way possible for my own amusement. You can check my Gaming Profile on Steam And Xbox!