Why Trash Cubes Are Real Survival MVPs In Raft?

Learn all the ways you can get and use trash cubes for Raft.

How To Get Trash Cubes Raft

Earlier in the game, there was no way of discarding materials you did not need. With the new update and an introduction to Trading Posts, players have the means to trade a variety of items.

Key Takeaways

  • The final Chapter of Raft introduces Trading Posts, where players can trade unwanted items for valuable materials, there are three tiers in the Trading Post, with higher tiers unlocked through Reputation Points.
  • Trash Cubes can be obtained from Trading Posts by exchanging Fishing Baits and other materials, Vending Machines have replaced Tangaroa Tokens in the Final Chapter and offer a variety of supplies, including weapons, food, and water.

Trading Posts

Trading Post
The Trading Post is a brand new addition to the new chapter of Raft! You can buy and sell high tier materials!

Three tiers are available in the Trading Post; two need to be unlocked through Reputation Points. 

Each Tier will have items based on rankings. For instance, in Tier 1, players will be able to buy a Simple Fishing Bait. On the other hand, they will get an Advanced Fishing Bait in Tier 2 and so on.

Players can not unlock tiers if they continue to buy items. It works by selling items and gaining Reputation points.

To unlock Tier 2, you will need 300 Reputation points and 3,000 to unlock Tier 3.

Trading Trash Cubes for Materials
Trash Cubes can be used to purchase high-tier materials from the Trading Post!

Furthermore, Players can find these Trading Posts on top of large islands. As I mentioned, Fishing Baits can be exchanged for Trash Cubes, a few plastics, and maybe wood.

You can use these Fishing Baits as Fish Bait and catch a variety of fish from the ocean!

Next, you could visit one of the nearest Trading Posts and procure some of the items you need. Sell items such as Blowshrimp, Netnibbler, and Sharp Carp to gain Reputation Points for each Tier.

Vending Machines

Do you remember the Tangaroa Tokens in the previous versions of Raft? They have now been converted to Vending Machine Tokens after the latest update in Raft!

These Vending Machines can also be found in the two newly added locations. Players can purchase several unique supplies from the Vending Machines to help them with their daily explorations.

Items such as Backpacks, Weapons like Machete, Radio, Fresh Water, Food, and more can be available for purchase from the machines. Moreover, you will need Tokens to purchase said items.

The Tokens are scattered around different locations, and you can use them to buy items.

Trash Cubes From Recycler

Recyclers in Raft
Once the Recycle is constructed, you can add salvaged materials to them to obtain Trash Cubes!

With a Trash Recycler, you can add various items into it, such as Wood, Plastic, and leaves. Each Recycler requires 75 Wood, 120 Plastic, and 120 Leaves to produce four Trash Cubes or more.

Materials Required for Recycler
In order to create a Recycler to obtain Trash Cubes, you will need the above materials!

These Recyclers also require the use of Batteries; without them, they cannot be powered!

Players can also use these batteries to power windmills on your Raft. Do you know that each Recycler will take approximately 10 minutes to deliver four trash cubes with the items mentioned above?

Through Swimming Underwater

Yes, Trash Cubes in Rafts can also be procured through the ocean. You can go on a scavenger hunt to obtain them!

It may sound like an easy task. However, there are some dangers you need to be on the lookout for, such as deadly sharks. Any bite taken from these unfriendly creatures will greatly threaten your character, leading them to their death!

Consequently, the exact location of Trash Cubes is still uncertain, and they spawn at random. A quick method of getting them rather quickly is through your metal scanner.

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