Sons Of The Forest Multiplayer Limit Guide

Sons of the Forest have set a players cap of eight per multiplayer session.


Sons of the Forest allows players to join or host their own world with a maximum limit of eight players. You can also invite your friends to join your session. 

Key Takeaways

  • You can either host a world or join a session.
  • There can be a maximum of eight players in one multiplayer session.
  • You can increase this number using the MultiplayerUnlimiter Mod to 20.
  • When hosting a session, you can set the maximum number of players in your world anytime.

What Is The Multiplayer Limit

The traditional multiplayer limit for Sons Of The Forest is a maximum of eight but a minimum of two. These are the standard limits. However, they can be changed with the addition of mods. But I seriously would not recommend as you might not want to risk the files’ integrity. 

One such mod is the MultiplayerUnlimiter Mod, which allows you to configure your game so that a whopping total of 20 players can simultaneously be in any given world.

Sons Of The Forest Gameplay
Sons Of The Forest Gameplay

Similar Guide: 25 Best Sons Of The Forest Tips And Tricks

How To Play Online With Friends

  1. To join one of your friends, ask them to send you an invite by going into your Steam overlay (Left Shift + Tab) and hovering over their name to the drop-down menu, allowing you to invite them. You can also access this menu by right-clicking their profile in the overlay.
  2. To host a session for your friends, you can start a world where you can choose the type of world you want alongside other permissions, such as making it open only to friends or the public for anyone to join, configuring the number of players you can allow at any given time, etc.

An Interesting Read: Top 6 Sons Of The Forest Best Weapons

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