Star Wars Jedi: Survivor features an engaging storyline and includes intriguing side quests known as Rumors. One such Rumor is “Gorge’s Secret,” which can be discovered during Cal’s first visit to Koboh. While challenging to locate and time-consuming, the reward is certainly worthwhile.
Key Takeaways Make sure you have learned two abilities needed to find the Rumor. These include the Relter Tame and Confusion Major Fuana Force Power. Players must use the first mentioned ability to tame the Relter so they can fly with it to reach all the inaccessible areas. Moreover, the Confusion Major Fuana is used on strong animals, so they get confused. When in the mentioned state, players can use them as they want. Related: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Abilities To unlock the Rumor, you must progress in the game’s main storyline until you reach the Forest Array mission. Once you complete this mission, head back to the Rambler’s Reach Outpost, located near the exit of Pyloon’s Saloon. Here, you’ll have to talk to the Prospector who will reveal the Rumor to you, with the information that this secret place has a beautiful view. A previously inaccessible location known as the Winding Ravine will now be possible to reach. Getting to this place will be your initial step toward finding the Gorge’s Secret place. Look up in the sky to find the friendly creature above you, Trontoshell. This is where you will use your ability, Fuana Force Power, to focus on the beast and tame it. This wild animal, now tamed, will lower his head toward you, enabling you to climb onto one of his tusks. After climbing the Right tusk (the one with vines on it) of the Trontoshell, He will lift you towards a cliffside, where you’ll jump down to reach the Winding Ravine. Since this is a very expansive place, it is filled with numerous secrets and collectible items. You can always come back to find them all. However, to find the Gorge’s Secret, you’ll have to find your way through the Winding Ravine and reach the area known as Dredger Gorge. This can be located by using the map. Defeat the monster and climb the ledge in front of you. You’ll find a Relter standing in front of you at the cliff. Use your gliding ability and aim at the far platform, as shown in the picture. Drop down from the Relter at the end of this path. Here, you will stumble upon a chest. This chest will contain your reward for completing the Gorge’s Secret Rumor, earning you the unique collectible, Hunter Lightsaber. This is all about the Finding Gorge’s Secret Rumor in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. This will be an effortless task if the instructions are followed correctly. Remember, in the end, it all comes down to your knowledge of game mechanics since reaching this place will require maneuverability expertise. Also, check out the following: Good job! Please give your positive feedback 😏 How could we improve this post? Please Help us. 💡 Ehtishaam is an enthusiastic gamer who is never tired of playing games and writing about them. He is pursuing his career in Electrical Engineering while keeping an active interest in CS. I keep myself busy playing football when I am not focused on content writing. My dedication towards gaming knew no bounds, as I started spending hours on my Pentium 4 PC, playing GTA. If you don’t see me posting content, I’ll probably be pushing rank in Valorant or Counter Strike. Connect with me on Steam if you plan on playing some competitive.
Requirements For Gorge’s Secret Rumor
Unlocking The Gorge’s Secret Rumor
Finding the Gorge’s Secret
Unlocking Winding Ravine
Winding Ravine
Find Your Way In The Winding Ravine
The Last Step to Finding Gorge’s Secret
Final Remarks