Baldur’s Gate 3 Best Adamantine Item [All 6]

After playing the game for more than 60+ hours, here are the best adamantine items!

Baldur's Gate 3 Best Adamantine Item
About The Author

I have invested more than 60+ hours playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and it has involved an extensive run of the game. So, you can easily trust the information and hands-on experience I share with you guys!

Adamantine Items become relevant later in Baldur’s Gate 3 after coming across The Adamantine Forge Quest. Adamantine Items are classified as Forged Items which you can craft at the Adamantine Forge in Grymforge. Grymforge is located at X: -569, Y: 252.

Key Takeaways

  • Adamantine Items are Forged Items which you can craft at the Adamantine Forge in Grymforge.
  • You need to begin the Adamantine Forge Quest by talking to the Duergars found in Grymforge.
  • You will require Mithral Ores and the Adamantine item’s respective mold to craft it.
  • Adamantine Items consist of armor, Weapons, and a Shield. The best armor is the Adamantine Scale Armor. The Best Weapon is the Adamantine Scimitar. The Best Shield is the Adamantine Shield.
  • Using the Adamantine Scimitar and the Adamantine Shield for an aggressive playstyle is a good idea.

Best BG3 Adamantine Item Comparison Table

Here is a comparison table of my best Adamantine Item in BG3 . Each stat can be sorted to view the highest and lowest values, which has been done for your convenience:

# Item Type Weight Value Location
1 Adamantine Scale Mail Medium Armor 16 kg 900 Gold Pieces Grymforge
2 Adamantine Splint Armor Heavy Armor 19 kg 3800 Gold Pieces Grymforge
3 Adamantine Scimitar Melee Weapon 1.35 kg 900 Gold Pieces Grymforge
4 Adamantine Longsword Melee Weapon
1.35 kg 1100 Gold Pieces Grymforge
5 Adamantine Mace Melee Weapon 1.8 kg 700 Gold Pieces Grymforge
6 Adamantine Shield Shield 2.7 kg 750 Gold Pieces Grymforge
Baldur's Gate 3 Best Adamantine Item
Best Adamantine Items in Baldur’s Gate 3 (Captured by Us)

It would be difficult to accurately rank all the Adamantine Items because of the different RNG and playstyles a user may adopt. Still, we’ve tried to objectively list the Best Adamantine Item in Baldur’s Gate 3 below.

Adamantine Scale Mail

“The adamantine scales hug your body like a second skin – a heavy, near-impregnable skin.”

The Adamantine Scale Mail is one of the two Adamantine Armour available in Baldur’s Gate 3. This particular armor is of a medium weight variety, providing decent protection while leaving room for agility to perform actions like spell casting rather quickly. You can acquire this item from the Grymforge during The Adamantine Forge Quest.

There are 4 effects this armor provides, which I will discuss below.

  1. Magical Plate: All incoming damage is reduced by 1.
  2. Adamantine Backlash: When a melee attack hits you, the attacker is sent Reeling for 2 turns. Attackers can’t land Critical Hits on the wearer.
  3. You will have a Disadvantage for any Stealth Rolls.
  4. The Armour Class Bonus for Dexterity is limited to +2.
Quality Very Rare
Type Medium Armor
Weight 19 kg
Value 900 Gold Pieces
Proficiency Medium Armor Proficiency
Armour Class 16
Location Grymforge
Required Crafting Materials Scale Mail Mould (x1)
Mithral Ore (x1)
Effects Magical Plate
Adamantine Backlash
Disadvantageous Stealth Rolls
Dexterity Armour Class Bonus limited to +2

Adamantine Splint Armour

“The adamantine plates lock and slide together perfectly – offering protection against even the deadliest of blades.”

This is the second Adamantine Armors in Baldur’s Gate 3. However, it is of the Heavy Armor type, which is better if you’d like a tank approach to combat as it provides immunity against critical strikes, allowing you to power through all your opponents. You can acquire this item from the Grymforge during The Adamantine Forge Quest.

There are a total of 5 effects that come with this armor which I’ll explain below:

  1. Magical Plate: All incoming damage is reduced by 1.
  2. Intense Adamantine Backlash: When a melee attack hits you, the attacker is sent Reeling for 3 turns.
  3. Disadvantage on Stealth Checks.
  4. Attackers can’t land Critical Hits on the wearer.
  5. No Armor Class Bonus from Dexterity.
Quality Very Rare
Type Heavy Armor
Weight 19 kg
Value 3800 Gold Pieces
Proficiency Heavy Armor Proficiency
Armour Class 18
Location Grymforge
Required Crafting Materials Splint Mould (x1)
Mithral Ore (x1)
Effects Magical Plate
Intense Adamantine Backlash
Disadvantageous Stealth Checks
Immunity from Critical Hits
No Dexterity Armour Class Bonus

Adamantine Scimitar

“Each cut of this blade shines with the wicked glint of adamantine – a promise for a devastating blow.”

The Adamantine Scimitar is a quick weapon to slash away your foes quickly. It involves a playstyle focused more on speed and the number of attacks. Moreover, this Weapon always critically strikes, making it quite a heavy damage dealer regardless of its nature. You can acquire this item from the Grymforge during The Adamantine Forge Quest.

This Weapon has 5 weapon skills, 3 of which are available by default and 2 others behind proficiency unlock.

I’ve explained each of them respectively below:

  1. Diamondsbane: The hit is always critical if an adamantine weapon hits an object.
  2. Lethal Weapon: This Weapon ignores Slashing Resistance.
  3. Weapon Enchantment +1: Gain an additional +1 to your Attack and Damage Rolls.
  4. Flourish: Feint an attack to throw your enemy off their balance potentially.
  5. Lacerate: Slash an enemy and deal damage plus a chance to cause Bleeding.
Quality Rare
Type Melee Weapon
Class Scimitar
Weight 1.35 kg
Value 900 Gold Pieces
Proficiency Martial
Damage 1D6+1
Weapon Property (Qualities) Light
Range 1.5 m
Location Grymforge
Required Crafting Materials Scimitar Mould (x1)
Mithral Ore (x1)
Weapon Skills Diamondsbane
Lethal Weapon
Weapon Enchantment +1

Adamantine Longsword

“Though this longsword swings effortlessly in your hand – ready to take down a hundred enemies.”

The Adamantine Longsword is the second Weapon on my list after the Adamantine Scimitar. Unlike the Scimitar, it is a more traditional weapon and can be two-handed to do more damage at the costWeapont being able to use a shield. You can acquire this item from the Grymforge during The Adamantine Forge Quest.

This Weapon has a total of 6 Weapon Skills. 3 are useable by default, and the remaining 3 are behind Proficiency Unlocks.

I’ve explained all these weapon skills respectively below:

  1. Diamondsbane: The hit is always critical if an adamantine weapon hits an object.
  2. Lethal Weapon: This Weapon ignores Resistance to Slashing Damage.
  3. Weapon Enchantment +1: Gain an additional +1 to your Attack and Damage Rolls.
  4. Pommel Strike: Attack an enemy with the chance of inflicting a Daze effect upon them. This attack is not lethal.
  5. Lacerate: Slash an enemy and deal damage plus a chance to cause Bleeding.
  6. Rush Attack: Start charging forward until you collide with and attack the first enemy on your way. This will damage the enemy and can throw them off balance.
Quality Rare
Type Melee Weapon (Versatile)
Class Longsword
Weight 1.35 kg
Value 1100 Gold Pieces
Proficiency Martial
Damage 1D8+1
Slashing (One Handed)

Slashing (Two-Handed)
Weapon Property (Qualities) Versatile
Range 1.5 m
Location Grymforge
Required Crafting Materials Longsword Mould (x1)
Mithral Ore (x1)
Weapon Skills Diamondsbane
Lethal Weapon
Weapon Enchantment +1
Pommel Strike
Rush Attack

Adamantine Mace

“A nimble mace, heavy with the promise of broken bones.”

The Adamantine Mace is the third Adamantine Weapon on my list. It’s not the flashiest Weapon being a simple mace. However, it completely ignores Bludgeoning Resistance, making it invaluable when dealing with enemies with high bludgeoning Resistance. You can Weapone this item from the Grymforge during The Adamantine Forge Quest.

This Weapon has a total of 4 weapon skills. The first three are available by default. However, the fourth one is only available when you equip the mace in your main hand.

We’ve explained each of these weapon skills respectively below:

  1. Diamondsbane: The hit is always critical if an adamantine weapon hits an object.
  2. Lethal Weapon: This Weapon ignores Bludgeoning Resistance.
  3. Weapon Enchantment +1: Gain an additional +1 to your Attack and Damage Rolls.
  4. Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all your might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.
Quality Rare
Type Melee Weapon
Class Mace
Weight 1.8 kg
Value 700 Gold Pieces
Proficiency Simple
Damage 1D6+1
Weapon Property (Qualities) Dippable
Range 1.5 m
Location Grymforge
Required Crafting Materials Mace Mould (x1)
Mithral Ore (x1)
Weapon Skills Diamondsbane
Lethal Weapon
Weapon Enchantment +1
Concussive Smash

Adamantine Shield

“The dull shine of the adamantine promises this shield could take a thousand beatings – and still look as good as new.”

The Adamantine Shield is the final item on my list. It’s a shield that can be equipped in your off-hand, allowing you to adopt a more aggressive playstyle, especially with the Adamantine Scimitar. You can acquire this item from the Grymforge during The Adamantine Forge Quest.

There are a total of 3 effects that this shield has upon equipping it.

I’ve explained all of these 3 effects below:

  1. Adamantine Shield: When a melee attack misses you, the attacker is sent Reeling for 2 turns.
  2. Shield Bash: When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to knock it Prone unless they succeed a Dexterity Saving Throw.
  3. Critical Hit Immunity: Equipping and guarding with this shield makes you immune to critical hits.
Quality Rare
Weight 2.7 kg
Value 750 Gold Pieces
Proficiency Shield Proficiency
Armour Class +2
Location Grymforge
Required Crafting Materials Shield Mould (x1)
Mithral Ore (x1)
Effects Adamantine Shield
Shield Bash
Critical Hit Immunity

Thoughts On Adamantine Forge

During my playthrough of the game, I realized that for the Adamantine forge, Make no weapons; they will quickly become obsolete (if not already by the time you read this guide). The armors are your best option but keep in mind that both of them have disadvantages on stealth rolls even though they protect your character from critical hits and have a -2 damage negation across the board. The shield is fine because it has that perk as well, and Gale can use shields because of the racial and social makeup of all of your parties.

You can buy a good heavy armor very early into Act 2, If you happen to have 18 dexterity, take into account the benefits you’re giving up, like crit invulnerability and damage reduction from all sources, as well as the disadvantage of stealth. So, the decision is yours. Regardless: The best options in the forge are still both medium armors because Karlach, Halsin, or Shadowheart can keep whichever one you don’t want for yourself.

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