COD Modern Warfare 3: Fast Essence Farm [Top Methods]

Essence is necessary to get your gear upgraded while playing Zombies. Read this guide to learn about the farming methods for essence!

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Fast Essence Farm

Key Takeaways

  • Essence in COD MW3 Zombie is essential for buying and upgrading equipment, weapons, and other valuable items. 
  • You can collect it by killing Zombies, as it is automatically collected.
  • Farm Essence by trapping zombies at the Exfiltration point. Furthermore, you can complete contracts and open essence containers to get more essence quickly.

Essence is one of the main things you need to progress in the MW3 Zombies Mode. However, you don’t get a lot of it if you are not farming it. In this guide, I will mention a few Essence Farm techniques to help you survive longer.

Here is the summary table of all the Fast Essence Farm methods.

Farming MethodDescription
Contract CompletionComplete contracts that provide Essence as reward. The enemy killing contracts award you additional Essence.
Opening Essence ContainersAfter going through the portal and opening your parachute, look for essence containers and open them to get 500 essence.
Exfiltration Chopper TrapAt the exfiltration site, call the chopper to alert all zombies. Kill them all but don't get on the helicopter and repeat this process for fast essence farm.

Exfiltration Chopper Trap

To end your zombie-killing journey, you will call the Exfil helicopter that is to get you out of the battlefield. A large zombie crowd is alerted as you call for it and starts to close in on you. This is your best bet to eliminate all the zombies, as every kill will get you more Essence.

Zombie Exfill
Zombie Exfill (Captured By Us)

After the chopper arrives, do not get on it and keep focusing on killing the zombies. I recommend you pass the Exfiltration procedure and then call another chopper and repeat this process. This is the only time you will face a large Zombie group. Hence, take advantage and get maximum kills.

Contract Completion

As you start the match in the Zombie mode, you will be assigned contracts that will reward you with Essence upon completion. Furthermore, some contracts require you to eliminate Zombies as well, which indirectly rewards you with additional Essence.

I suggest you consider these Contracts while playing Zombies mode and complete them to maximize your Essence output and upgrade weapons for the late game.

If you have a Molotov in your inventory, bring the attention of a zombie group towards you and then burn them all.

Opening Essence Containers

Essence Containers are dispersed evenly on the map. Look for them and wait until a portal appears and takes you to the sky. I recommend you open your parachute and look for essence containers in the close by area.

They are noticeable from a significant distance and they will award you 500 Essence every time you open them.

My Experience With The Essence Farm

I found the exfiltration trap farm more useful, as it got me more essence if I killed every zombie on the platform. Moreover, I found out about this trap after I coincidentally failed to get on the helicopter. Furthermore, I suggest you try all the Essence farm methods, so you can upgrade weapons and be ready for the late game.

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