With the release of Age Of Empires in 1997, Ensemble Studio reached the heights of success and inspired the gaming world by implementing Real-Time Strategy features in the gameplay. The game earned favorable ratings, created an affectionate fanbase, and set the standards for strategy-based games.
Key Takeaways
- The 1999 release of Age of Empires II did astonishingly well in improving gameplay and visuals.
- The remake of the game, Definitive Edition, did exceptionally well in enhancing the game’s reputation.
- Age Of Empires II gameplay features complement the real-time strategy design perfectly.
- The game offers new DLC packs even after years of its release, even though its sequels exist.
- Despite the arrival of the recent title Age Of Empires IV, the average player base of Age Of Empires II: Definitive Edition remains more active than any other entry in the series.
Interactive Gameplay Design

Now, the most captivating feature of Age Of Empires II, in my opinion, is the control and command aspect of the gameplay. It creates a tempting climate for players willing to exhibit their micro-skills.
The fact that we can shift the stance of a group or a unit and issue commands that initiate a loop (such as patrolling) is one of the most relishing features I have witnessed in the gameplay. Regrettably, these features were limited in Age Of Empires III.
Age Of Empires II Technology Tree varies from civilization to civilization. Some may outrun others in naval combat, some have superiority at the economic level, and some remain unmatched in their military capabilities.
This diversity compliments the presence of plentiful variants of the map. You can gain an advantage based on the landscape you select for the match.
I consider Age Of Empires II the correct step towards gameplay and quality improvement. The sequel mostly focused on improving visuals and overhauling animation.
Undoubtedly, Age Of Empires III had a fair share in satisfying the audience. However, its innovative gameplay design did not perform well to endure the competition with its prequel. The unwanted city perks, limited civilizations, and the lack of Tech-Tree were not up to the task of rivalling the lively mechanics of Age Of Empires II.
Campaign Series Based On Iconic Entities Of The Past

The narrative aspect of Age Of Empires II has remained the most compelling feature to me out of all. The lengthy campaign scenarios with well-structured stage designs are worth complimenting.
Moreover, the events covered in the campaign highlight the major battles of history. The archetypal story chunks unravel the part of history upon which the great leaders tread. The untiring plunder of Genghis Khan, the conquest of Salahuddin against the Crusaders, the sturdy ruler Babur, and numerous more narratives on historical figures are well-defined in the game.
Furthermore, in the latest arrival, Age Of Empires IV, I have observed many mechanisms that follow the game design approach of Age Of Empires II. This also implies the narrative aspect.
Age Of Empires IV’s campaign design is based on canon events from the past. In addition, many gameplay features, such as a few sets of animations, a technology tree, and resource-gathering, appear to mimic the details of Age Of Empires II.
These factors indicate that Age Of Empires II’s overall game design is ideal for setting the base for new titles in the series.
Flawless Architectural Work And Language Implementation

Regarding the visual aspect, Age Of Empires II: Definitive Edition did exceptionally well recapturing old settlements’ architectural work.
The Definitive Edition has put forth more civilizations into the playfield. Along with their entries, the delivery of their tone and structural designs are of top-notch quality.
The diversity in structural art and the uniqueness given to each civilization in terms of language are riveting, to the point that they motivated me to try out every civilization in the game. Additionally, the fact that every civilization can train a unique infantry makes the most impact in keeping the gameplay diverse, captivating, and enjoyable.
The most admirable thing to witness about Age Of Empires II: Definitive Edition is that developers fully support the game to this date. Despite the game’s arrival in 2019, it still receives expansion DLCs on the campaign scenario, such as Victors and Vanquished, released on March 14, 2024.
The game’s active development and thriving player base (compared to its sequels) mark the dominance of the title in its series.
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Shoaib Rashid is a passionate Gamer and an experienced writer who has been covering the Gaming Industry for over 3 Years. He started his career as a freelance journalist, writing reviews, previews, news, guides, and features for various industries. He joined VA Gaming as a Writer in 2022 and was promoted to Content Editor in 2023, where he oversees the editorial tasks and ensures the quality and accuracy of the content.
Shoaib loves to play all kinds of games, from Competitive shooters to the latest AAA releases, you name it, and he got them all covered; a PC Enthusiast who loves to stay upgraded with the latest hardware, and he enjoys sharing his insights and opinions with the Gaming Community.
While being a hardcore competitive Gamer he also a big Anime fan so his IGN goes by #SHiNiGaMii. and you can join him on Steam and checkout his library to learn more about his accomplishments.