The Altars of Lilith locations are a set number of places in each section of the map containing the objects. The first section of the game, Fractured Peaks, contains 28 Altars of Lilith.
This is the only section available to players right now in the beta version of the game. This rendition is purely for press reasons, and there could still be changes before the official release of the game.
Key Takeaways
- The Altars of Lilith are statues found all across the map of Diablo 4 that grant certain rewards when the players interact with them.
- There are 28 Altars of Lilith in the beta version of Diablo 4.
- The Altars are spread throughout all the zones of the map, with the most Altars (a total of 5) located in the Frigid Expanse zone.
- Each Altar of Lilith grants a specific reward of either increasing the maximum number of Murmuring Obols a character can hold by 5 or increasing the Intelligence, Willpower, Strength, or Dexterity characteristic by 2.
- The benefits granted by the Altars apply to every character used by the player in the game.
- Gathering the Altars of Lilith is not a necessary part of the story but makes the player more powerful and makes the more complex areas of the game more manageable.
What Are Altars of Lilith

The Altars of Lilith are structured in the shape of the demon Lilith found in the game. They can be identified by their red glow that disappears once you receive the desired rewards.
Upon arriving at the Altars of Lilith locations, you interact with the object in question and receive some benefits. The rewards for finding the Altars include experience and Renown Points, which are incredibly important to gain skill points and become more powerful in the game. The Altars also have rewards specific to each statue, such as points for Dexterity and Strength.
Moreover, once you have found an Altar, the bonuses you receive will apply to each character you use. However, you can still come back and interact with the structures with other characters to receive any character-specific bonuses that may apply.
Altars of Lilith Locations

Here are the total of 28 Altars of Lilith locations in Diablo 4, spread across the Fractured Peaks section of the game. Apart from the first statue, the Altars only appear after completing the tutorial in Kyvoshad, where the man leaves the city and you unlock Region Progression.
Altar 1

The first Altar is found in the Icehowl Taiga area of the Desolate Highlands. Once you finish the tutorial, exit Nevesk and locate the path outside the northeast gate. This Altar is relatively easy to find as it is right along the main track. Look for the signature red glow.
Interacting with this Altar increases the maximum number of Murmuring Obols a character can hold by 5.
Altar 2

This Altar is also located in the Icehowl Taiga section of the Desolate Highlands. Retrace your steps through the village of Nevesk to return to the cave you first spawned in at the beginning of the game.
You will run into the statue on your way in the middle of an open grove of trees. You can identify the grove as the trees that only allow players to pass through the south side where the altar is.
The reward for this Altar is an increase of 2 points in the Strength characteristic.
Note: Don’t try to locate this Altar when you first start the game because it won’t be available until you have gone through Kyovashad.
Altar 3

You can find this Altar in the Eastern Pass area in the Desolate Highlands zone. It’s on the far east of the map. After exiting the Hermit’s Shack, head towards Kyovashad while keeping an eye out for a cliff on your right that you can climb. On the top, you will find an abandoned camp. The Altar is on the very edge to the right.
This Altar increases the Dexterity characteristic by 2 points.
Altar 4

This is the final Altar of Lilith’s location in the Desolate Highlands. You will need to progress to the Father’s Cross area. Go southwest from Kyovashad until you reach the wilderness again, and take a right off the main path. From here, take your left and search a bit until you reach the extreme west, where the land is cut off. You will find the Altar at the right of this open area.
You will receive an increase of 2 points in the Intelligence characteristic when you interact with this Altar.
Altar 5

This is the first Altar in the Pallid Glade zone. Head to The Brinewood and get on the path from Nevesk. Move northwest from here and search the dirt path for the Altar. Similar to the second Altar, this one is only accessible from the bottom side of a group of trees. On the map, this area will look somewhat similar to the shape of a roundabout.
This Altar also increases the number of Murmuring Obols carried by a player by 5.
Altar 6

The second Altar of Lilth location in the Pallid Glade is also in The Brinewood area, if a bit trickier to reach. You will need to explore the very bottom of this area. You can find it on the spit of land on the very eastern edge of the south Brinewood area.
Interacting with this particular Altar will add 2 points to your Dexterity characteristic.
Altar 7

This is the last Altar of Lilith in the Pallid Glade. Located at the northeast of this zone, you will find the Altar in an abandoned home at the top of Melnik’s Hill. You will need to find an out-of-the-way hidden passageway south of the path to find the entrance to the house.
Once you find this Altar, you will gain 2 points to the Willpower characteristic.
Altar 8

This is the first of four Altars of Lilith locations in the Sarkova Pass zone of Diablo 4. You will need to find the two roads connecting Kyovashad and Menestad in the Western Ways area. Take the left road until you are near Menestad. A small passage near the south of the town, right on the main path, will take you straight to the Altar.
Like its predecessor, this Altar will grant you 2 points for your Willpower characteristic.
Altar 9

This Altar is also in the Western Ways area of the Sarkova Pass zone. However, it is on the northwest of Menestad. Take a narrow path to your left before you reach the Silvered Edgelands to locate it.
This Altar increases the number of maximum Murmuring Obols carried by the player by 5.
Altar 10

This is another Altar found in the Western Ways area of the Sarkova Pass zone, this time in the north of Menestad. You will find it near the entrance of the Forbidden City Dungeon. Search the west side of the area if you have trouble locating it.
Once you find this Altar, your Strength characteristic will increase by 2 points.
Altar 11

The final Altar of Lilith in the Sarkova Pass zone is a little farther from the others, in the Crags of Ill Wind area. You will need to take the main path to the very east of this area. The Altar will be on a narrow path near the border separating the Sarkova Pass and the Frigid Expanse areas.
You will gain 2 points in your Intelligence characteristic upon interacting with this Altar.
Altar 12

This is the first Altar of Lilith in the Dobrev Taiga zone of Diablo 4. You will find it in the Southeast Foothills area. Exit Kyovashad from the south and head to the west. Jump across the gap you see to the narrow path clear on the map. The Altar will be on your left on the far west side.
By interacting with this Altar, you will gain 2 points in your Dexterity characteristic.
Altar 13

The second Altar in the Dobrev Taiga zone is located in the Shadow Trail area. This Altar is particularly easy to find, given its unique location. Head south of Margrave, and you will find the small crumb of land on the map connected to the path leading to Hawezar. You will find the Altar on the very south of this small piece of land.
Interacting with this Altar will reward you with an increase of 2 points in your Willpower characteristic.
Altar 14

The third and final Altar of Lilith location in the Dobrev Taiga zone is in the Western Tunnels area. You will find it in a cave situated near the Krol Forest on the eastern side of Margrave. The map will show a tiny piece of land sticking out to the right where the cave is located.
This Altar will grant you an increase of 2 points to your Strength characteristic.
Altar 15

The first of the five Altar of Lilitch locations in the Frigid Exapnse zone of Diablo 4 is in the Olyam Tundra area. Exit the Kyovashad Cathedral of Light and move towards the large expanse of darker, inaccessible land you see on the northern side. Search until you find a cliff that you can climb. The Altar of Lilith will be near the bottom of this cliff.
Your Intelligence characteristic will increase by 2 points when you interact with this Altar.
Altar 16

The second Altar of Lilith location in the Frigid Expanse zone is also in Olyam Tundra. Once again, move to the eastern gate of Kyovashad but, this time, head east. Proceed until you find Lake Klokova, which will be frozen. Look for a small path to the north of the lake which will lead you to a small raised piece of snowy land where you will find the Altar.
Interacting with this Altar will increase your Strength characteristic by 2 points.
Altar 17

This Frigid Expanse zone contains another ALtar of Lilith, this time in The Deep White. Head east of the Forsaken Quarry Dungeon, and you will find the Altar to your left on a small extended piece of land near the geysers.
This Altar will add 2 points to your Dexterity characteristic once you have found it.
Altar 18

The fourth Altar in the Frigid Expanse is situated east of the Immortal Emmanation Dungeon in the Shivering Wilds area of the zone. Find the small piece of land that extends into the river from the south end. You will find the Altar on your left.
Once you interact with this Altar, your Willpower characteristic will increase by 2 points.
Altar 19

This is the fifth and last Altar located in the Frigid Expanse zone of Diablo 4 and is also found in the Shivering Wilds area. Upon reaching the crossroads that comes before Gale Valley, head southeast until you reach the edge of the site.
Once you have reached the very edge of the zone, you will find the Altar hidden to your right. This particular Altar will require a bit of a sharper eye as it is pretty strategically placed behind a cover of trees and rocks. The red glow will be muted, but you can easily find it with a bit of attention.
This Altar increases the maximum number of Murmuring Obols carried by the player by 5.
Altar 20

The first Altar of Lilith location in the Gale Valley zone of the game is in the Zeleny Lowlands area. Find the long spit of land facing west near the top of the region. It will appear as a crossroads on the map. Instead of taking either path, head towards the spit and explore the very northern edge. You will easily find the Altar in an open piece of land.
Your Dexterity characteristic will increase by 2 points upon interacting with this Altar.
Altar 21

The second Altar in Gale Valley is in the Trekker’s Nook area of the zone. Head past the town of Yelesna and proceed to the very east of the region. Now move south until you see the edges of the land in the southeast. You will find it on the very edge of the ground sticking out. Depending on which path you take, you may need to jump across a ravine to reach the Altar.
Once you find this Altar, your Intelligence characteristic will increase by 2 points.
Altar 22

The third Altar in Gale Valley is the last you will find in the zone, and it is located in the Tsepilova Pond area. Head to the last pond at the east of Yelesna, and you will find the Altar at the very north of the site, hidden among the plants and fallen pieces of wooden structures.
Your Willpower characteristic will increase by 2 points when you interact with this Altar.
Altar 23

The twenty-third Altar of Lilith in Diablo 4 is located in the Sinner’s Pass area of the Seat of the Heavens zone. Move to the very north of this zone and head west of Kor Valar. The Altar is a little off the main path to the northern area near the cliffs.
Upon interacting with this Altar, you will gain 2 points to your Dexterity characteristic.
Altar 24

The second Altar of Lilith location in the Seat of the Heavens zone is in the Fields of Judgement area. To the south of the College of Light, you will find several frozen pieces of land that you can’t access. They will appear as darker areas on the map.
The Altar will be located on the northeastern edge of the largest piece of inaccessible land here. This is another strategically hidden Altar with the statue neatly blending in with the similar coloured ice surrounding it. However, the dull red glow around it and its own distinct outline will make it easier to spot.
By interacting with this Altar, you will gain 2 points in your Intelligence characteristic.
Altar 25

The last Altar of Lilith in the Seat of the Heavens zone of the game is located in the Serac Rapture area. Head to the very east of this region, and you will find the Altar a little of the path before you reach the extended spits of land to the east. Simply walk along the very edge of the cliffs, and the Altar will be placed in a corner.
This Altar will increase your Strength characteristic by 2 points once you locate it.
Altar 26

This Altar of Lilith location is the only one in the Nostava, in the Pallid Glade zone of the map. You will find it during the Stronghold Event in the town, where the Altar will be placed at the northmost corner of the town. The altar will be behind the town’s tavern.
Interacting with this Altar will increase your Intelligence characteristic by 2 points.
Altar 27

This Altar is also found during a Stronghold Event, this time at the town Kor Dragan in the Sarkova Pass zone of the game. Head south of the ramparts, where you will find the Altar placed among the battlements.
The Willpower characteristic gains 2 points once you find this Altar.
Altar 28

The final Altar of Lilith location in the Fractured Peaks part of Diablo 4 is also found during a Stronghold Event. Once you reach Malnok, which is on the border between the Frigid Peaks zone and the Seat of the Heavens zone, head to the south of the area. You will find a building with a frozen door. Destroy the ice and proceed through to see the Altar.
This Altar will increase your Strength characteristic by 2 points.

Those are all 28 of the Altars of Lilith locations found in the Fractured Peaks area of Diablo 4. Remember that this is still the game’s beta version, so this information could be updated or further added once the game is officially released.
The Altars of Lilith may not be a part of the game’s main story, but they are an immense help as you move towards more complex areas. When it comes to your players, every advantage helps. Happy gaming!
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A 23-year-old Computer Science final year student with a focus on Cloud Solution Architecture, HTML, and UI/UX design. Seasoned in ghostwriting, with 2+ years of experience at VeryAli Gaming. A gaming enthusiast favoring Resident Evil, GTA V Online, and Red Dead 2. Currently working on an AI + AR Decorator project for the final year.
If you want to play Games with me, I’m reachable on Steam, Nintendo Username: Kimochi, Battlenet: Y2K, and EA: KoolAidDude.