Best Titan Build Destiny 2: PVE Build Guide [2024]

After playing 500 hours of Destiny 2, I have found the best titan build that you should also use!

Best Titan Build Destiny 2
Best Titan Build Destiny 2: Best PVE Build

Destiny 2 allows players to try out various builds to see which one suits their playstyle the most. You can equip various weapons, armor, and mods to complement the build that you are planning to do. Today’s guide will be focusing on a build that is extremely strong and is in the current meta of the game. This guide is all about the Best Titan Build.

About The Author

I have spent more than 500+ hours playing Destiny 2, so you can easily trust the information I provide related to the ins and outs of Destiny 2!

Key Takeaways

  • The Best Titan Build in Destiny 2 focuses on using the Energy Accelerant mod, which gives a damage boost to weapons that cause an explosion.


  1. Fatebringer: A solar hand cannon with the Firefly perk that synergizes well with Energy Accelerant, dealing extra damage on precision kills.
  2. Ruinous Effigy: A trace rifle that creates transmutation spheres, and its heavy attack activates Energy Accelerant, boosting overall damage.
  3. Crown Splitter: A sword with an explosive slam attack, capable of taking out champions in a single hit.


  • Middle Tree Sentinel is the preferred subclass due to its void detonators that work seamlessly with other armor mods.

Armor Mods:

  • Wrath of Rasputin: Creates solar splash damage when you kill an enemy with a solar weapon, making it an excellent combo with Fatebringer.

Exotic Armor/Stats:

  • Exotic armor choices and stat allocations can vary based on personal preferences, but Helm of Saint-14 and Heart of Inmost Light are recommended options.

Destiny 2 Titan Build At A Glance:

Here is a comparison table for the Best Titan Build in Destiny 2. The stats can be sorted with the highest and lowest values:

No.NamesRarity ClassMin-max accuracy:Min-max impact:Min-max stability:Min-max magazine:Fire mode:Effective range:Rate of fire:
1FatebringerLegendary84813810-13Semi-Automatic51140 RPM
2Ruinous EffigyExoticPerfectLowHighPoor94Medium1000 RPM
3Crown SplitterLegendary-73-48---

Using this build will not only make PVP easier for you, but it will also make it convenient to complete quests like forging the broadsword. This, in turn, makes it easier to get unique loot – like the Thorn hand cannon, since you will decimate through your enemies.

Let’s dive straight into the guide, and see which armor, weapons, and mods are viable.

Best Titan Build Destiny 2

Since there are tons of aspects to cover, I divided this guide into sections that focus on each aspect in detail. This build completely breaks the game in so many different ways. It’s a ton of fun to use and can deal some massive damage thanks to a combination of a few new mod and weapons introduced in this season. I’m going to break down and cover every aspect of this build, so be sure to check them out and not miss out on anything important.

Energy Accelerant

best titan build destiny 2
The Energy Accelerant

Season of the Splicer has been a godsend for build crafting. Bungie gave the players a blank canvas and all the paint in the world to come up with some fun and unique builds. Some of the mods are a little bit broken in the sandbox, but that’s what makes them fun.

The central mod of this entire build is one from the seasonal artifact. It was causing some issues and got disabled for a while towards the beginning of the season. Now, it’s back in full strength, and it’s still extremely powerful due to the weird interactions with certain weapons. The mod in question is the Energy Accelerant.

Despite what its description states, it does a lot more than that. There are tons of things that get affected by this mod but aren’t listed in its vague description. What occurs is that any weapon that causes some sort of explosion, benefits greatly and gets a huge damage boost. Some weapons are meant to work with it; however, others are a bit surprising.


best titan build destiny 2
Primary weapon of choice – Fatebringer

Style:Heavy pistol
Rarity class:Legendary
Weapon type:Hand Cannon
Required level:40
Min-max accuracy:84
Min-max impact:81
Min-max stability:38
Min-max magazine:10-13
Feed system:Barrel
Fire mode:Semi-Automatic
Rate of fire:140 RPM
Effective range:51
In service:Guardians

There are a lot of other mods that go well with this build but we’ll touch on them a little later. For now, let’s take a look at the weapons that I am going to be pairing alongside Energy Accelerant. All three of my weapons in this build will take full advantage of this mod.

The primary weapon of choice will be the beloved hand cannon; Fatebringer. This hand cannon just came back into Destiny 2, and it’s available from the vault of glass raid. It is an extremely unique hand cannon and can role with the perk “Firefly”. This perk goes hand to hand with the mod discussed before. It deals solar damage and can roll on kinetic weapons like Fatebringer. You can also potentially get a fast reload if you get a precision kill with this perk.

Due to the firefly synergy, this weapon deals more damage than intended and becomes even more potent than before. If you’re having trouble aiming this weapon, try using the Targeting Adjustor since it helps out a lot.

Ruinous Effigy

best titan build destiny 2
Ruinous Effigy is an integral part of this build

Manufacturer:Tree of Silver Wings
Rarity class:Exotic
Weapon type:Trace Rifle
Min-max accuracy:Perfect
Min-max impact:Low
Min-max stability:High
Min-max handling:Poor
Min-max magazine:94
Feed system:Liquid Fuel
Ammunition type:Special
Fire mode:Automatic
Rate of fire:1000 RPM
Effective range:Medium
In service:Guardians
Affiliation:The Guardian

Now for the special weapon of choice, I will return back to a few seasons to an exotic one many players might have forgotten about: the Ruinous Effigy. This weapon did see some nerfs heading into Beyond Light, and many players were upset about this because it didn’t make sense.

Bungie added a full suite of trace rifle mods to the game this season, indirectly making that entire class of weapons more viable. Things like the trace rifle scavenger are finally viable now and greatly improve the ammo economy of this class of weapon.

The reason why Ruinous is so powerful is because of those transmutation spheres that the weapon creates. The final blow will collapse the victims into a void transmutation sphere you can pick up and use as a weapon. This weapon is unique and fun to use thanks to its move set.

Since Energy Accelerant affects weapons that deal explosion damage; when you use the heavy attack of the Ruinous, it activates the mod and amplifies the overall damage. The damage buff is quite significant as you can slam the champions and kill them in one hit.

Crown Splitter

The exotic sword – Crown Splitter

Rarity class:Legendary
Weapon type:Sword
Intrinsic frame:Aggressive
Min-max impact:73
Min-max magazine:48
Ammunition type:Heavy ammo

Finally, in the heavy slot, I have a sword that has been making waves across the game this season; the Crown Splitter. This sword was one of the three gnostic swords from way back in Destiny 2. These swords are easily farmable as well, which makes them convenient to collect. Crown Splitter can roll with either Whirlwind Blade or Vorpal weapon in the final column. Either of those perks makes the sword fantastic.

As you’ve probably guessed by now, Crown Splitter is too affected by Energy Accelerant since it also has an explosive slam attack. It makes laughably easy work of champions and takes them out with one fell swoop.

Subclass – Middle Tree Sentinel

best titan build destiny 2
Picking the Middle Tree Sentinel is crucial

This build isn’t just a love letter to Energy Accelerant; it is much more than that. I still have room for a ton of other armor mods to flesh out this build and make it stronger.

Starting with my subclass of choice, you would want to run Middle Tree Sentinel on the titan. This subclass is already really strong for PVE in its own right; there is an incredible synergy made for this build. It has the unique mechanic of void detonators. Anytime you hit an enemy with a void ability, it will attach a void detonator to them. Upon taking further damage, they explode.

What is already a fun mechanic can really be taken to the next level thanks to another seasonal artifact mod; Warmind’s Decree. Due to this, the void detonators have the potential to create warmind’s cells. In short; the enemy will explode twice upon dying from any of your void weapons or abilities. This also stacks with the Ruinous Effigy and Crown Splitter since they have a void explosive attack.

Wrath of Rasputin

best titan build destiny 2
Wrath of Rasputin mod

Other name(s):Big Red (Ana Bray)
The Tyrant
Born:Golden Age
Died:Season of the Seraph
Species:Artificial Intelligence
Eye color:Red (Exo)

Similar to Warmind’s Decree, this mod only costs one energy and stacks well with your primary weapon. This mod allows the solar splash damage kills have a chance to create Warmind Cells. Since Fatebringer was already buffed twice due to the mods, this is just icing on the cake. Due to the insane amount of damage, this truly is the Best Titan Build in Destiny 2. Not only are you a monster in PVE, but you also will destroy enemies in PVP.

Armor Mods

Various armor mod in Destiny 2

The rest of my armor mods will keep it straightforward. Using the Lucent Blade will grant you bonus damage whenever you use a sword. Along with that, you will also want to run Taking Charge. This allows you to pick up orbs of light, which will charge you with light, allowing you to use Lucent Blades in the first place.

You can swap Taking Charge with a whole myriad of different green charged with light mods, but Taking Charge provides ease of use. It also works passively without paying attention since you will pick up orbs just by walking near them during combat.

I recommend using the Unstoppable Condensor for a bit of a wild card and added strength. Your void melee abilities are now capable of stunning, unstoppable champions. This mod isn’t the most practical, but it can always come in handy during tough situations. Plus, this occupies a free mod slot, so it’s not like it takes up space that would otherwise be required for something else.

Exotic Armor/Stats

Ursa Furiosa display

Name:Ursa Furiosa
Defense rating:750+
Loot drop?:Yes
Vendor:Xûr, Agent of the Nine

For the Exotic armor of choice, I’m running the Ursa Furiosa. These are a really great pairing for the middle tree sentinel and will assist this build to stay relevant in harder content like nightfalls. You could swap it out for something like stronghold if you want to lean towards sword gameplay. The Ursa helps you fill out that support role that sentinel typically fills and is overall more useful with this build.

You’ll want to flesh out any open space in your armor with trace rifles and sword ammo mods and take a good look at your stats. Fill in any remaining spots on your armor with stat mods.


Once you have all of the mods equipped alongside the exotic armor and the weapons, you are ready to be an absolute PVE beast. This might be confusing for newer players, but if you follow everything step by step, you will not face any difficulties and will be able to use this build flawlessly. You will have great clear speed thanks to firefly and fatebringer and massive single target damage from Crown Splitter. All working together with Energy Accelerant and Warmind’s Decree will destroy everything.

With that being said, today’s guide about Best Titan Build comes to an end. I hope this guide will assist you in trying out this build for yourself. Let me know in the comments below what you thought of this and what build is your favorite.

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