Callisto Protocol: All Weapons + Locations

The Callisto Protocol's 9 weapons and their locations are all thoroughly covered in this article.

The Callisto Protocol Weapon Locations Cover
The Callisto Protocol: All Weapon Explained

The Callisto Protocol is a survival game whose main objective is to fight off mutants. This game contains several weapons that vary depending on their usage, damage, and the region where they are located in the game. Most of the weapons become available as the story progresses while for others, you need to go a little out of the way for them to unlock. This guide presents the complete list of the Callisto Protocol weapons along with their locations, so you will not get a hard time finding these in the game.

Key Takeaways

In The Callisto Protocol, weapons fall into two categories: dropped weapons and schematics. Here’s an overview:

Dropped Weapons:

  1. Shiv: Melee weapon used for opening crates and security doors, unlocked in the game’s second chapter.
  2. Crowbar: Temporary melee weapon, replaced by the Stun Baton.
  3. Melee Axe: Provides similar damage to the crowbar and Shiv, useful in later stages.
  4. Stun Baton: Effective melee weapon with no need for ammo, can block attacks and push enemies away.

Schematic Weapons:

  1. Hand Cannon: One of the first guns forged at the Forge Station, offering ranged attacks and quick-shot combos. Limited ammo, upgradable to a maximum of 10 bullets.
  2. GRP: Unique equipment for grabbing, pulling, or throwing enemies using gravity. Doesn’t deal damage and relies on a battery pack with limited capacity.
  3. Skunk Gun (Skunkworks Shotgun): One-handed shotgun with high damage, especially effective against mid-story enemies in close range.
  4. Riot Gun: Dual-wielded shotgun with high damage and ammo capacity, great for boss fights.
  5. Tactical Pistol: Fast-firing sidearm, ideal for dealing with weaker mutants or finishing off injured enemies. Can hold 20 bullets after upgrades.
  6. Assault Rifle Schematic: Three-round burst fire gun found later in the game, suitable for dealing with groups of weaker enemies, and can be upgraded with the TK63 Homing Rounds upgrade.

All Weapons In Callisto Protocol Compared

The Callisto Protocol has two significant weapon categories based on their unlocking procedure. These include the dropped weapons and schematics type.

The Callisto Protocol contains a variety of different weapons; some of them are temporary, while others are permanent. Each weapon has its characteristic stats, which provide an essential advantage at some point in the game to complete required tasks. These weapons primarily include melee, ranged, and gun schematics. The melee and ranged weapons are more common than the gun schematics, which offer more damage, and are a bit tricky to find in the game.

Below is the complete list of all weapons found in The Callisto Protocol and their locations.


Type Alt Melee
Damage Low
Usage Stealth Attack and Utility
Acquisition Loot
Unlocked in Chapter 2 "Outbreak"

The first weapon you receive when the game begins is the Shiv. It is a wrench whose one end is sharp enough to deal decent damage to enemies. This melee-type weapon is predominantly used to open crates for loot and security doors. Moreover, in combats, its primary usage is the stealth killing of enemies from behind, which does not alert the attention of other enemies.

It is unlocked in the game’s second chapter, “Outbreak.” You must move out of your cell and explore the area to find this weapon. Thereupon, you will discover Elias, who will give you the Shiv somewhere near a stairway.

Callisto Protocol: Shiv
Callisto Protocol: Shiv


Type Melee
Damage Low
Usage Combat and Utility
Acquisition Loot
Unlocked in Chapter 2 "Outbreak"

The second weapon found in the game is the crowbar. This melee-type weapon has almost the same purpose as the Shiv. You will encounter an enemy carrying this in the second chapter, “Outbreak.” After killing the enemy, you can pick it up. Unlike most weapons, this one is temporary, and in the coming chapters, the Stun Baton replaces it.

Callisto Protocol: Crowbar
Callisto Protocol: Crowbar

Melee Axe

Type Melee
Damage Medium
Usage Combat
Acquisition Loot
Unlocked in Chapter 2 "Outbreak"

The melee axe is one of the first weapons you acquire in the game. It provides almost similar damage as compared to the crowbar and the Shiv. This melee weapon deals a lot more damage than the Shiv, which is beneficial to kill enemies in the start. Even in the later games, switching to this axe will be effective if you run out of ammo or you need to reload while using your primary gun.

It is also located in the same chapter, “Outbreak.” You will need to roam around the Central Tower while fighting enemies and, eventually, get a hold of this axe. Your character will automatically pick it up during the fight.

Stun Baton

Type Melee
Damage Medium
Usage Combat
Acquisition Loot
Unlocked in Chapter 2 "Outbreak"

The Stun Baton is the perfect melee equipment this game offers. With an impactful damage profile and no need for any ammo, this firearm comes in handy in many game combats. Some enemies are even resistant to bullets, so having this electric stick beside you will be very advantageous. Upgrading it will pay off its cost as the damage is significantly increased once you upgrade it to the maximum level. Besides being offensive equipment, it can serve well as a defensive one. It is used to block attacks or push enemies away.

It comes as a replacement for the crowbar found earlier in the game. You can find it at the end of chapter two, “Outbreak,” where you will enter a security room with dead guards. Your character will pick this up from the body of one of the guards.

Stun Baton found near the body of a dead guard in Callisto Protocol
Stun Baton near the body of a dead guard.

Hand Cannon

Type Ranged - Sidearm
Damage High
Usage Combat
Acquisition Forged
Unlocked in Chapter 3, "Aftermath"

The Hand Cannon is one of the first guns you will forge at the Forge Station. This gun provides a ranged attack capability. Its damage is already enough to kill most weak enemies, but it can be further increased by upgrading it. You can also use it for quick-shot combos, which will damage enemies substantially. One of its drawbacks is the ammo, as you can collect only limited ammo and the initial magazine size is only six bullets which are later upgraded to a maximum of 10.

At the start of the Aftermath Chapter, a friend of yours, Elias, will give you a part of this gun called Modular Weapons Platform, which is necessary to forge. Then, you will build it in the forge station, but it will require 800 credits, so you might need to sell some of the extra items in your inventory.

Callisto Protocol: Hand Cannon Printing
Hand Cannon Printing


Type Melee
Damage None
Usage Combat and Utility
Acquisition Loot
Unlocked in Chapter 3, "Aftermath"

GRP is a pretty unique equipment in the Callisto Protocol. It is a glove that can grab, pull or throw enemies using gravity. This ability works for items alike. Although this does not deal damage like all other firearms in this list, it is still helpful in many combat scenarios where you can eradicate enemies by throwing them off heights or into walls. Furthermore, it can help you access materials not in your range while exploring the areas.

Nevertheless, the only disadvantage of this gear is the recharge time. It requires a battery pack with a limited capacity, or it recharges automatically. The recharging is shown as a blue bar above your health bar on the nape of your character’s body. Upgrading the GRP will reduce the time to recharge, so its use is more frequent. The initial time is 3 minutes which is decreased to 1.5 minutes when upgraded to the maximum level.

GRP is also found in the Aftermath Chapter, where your character will notice this strange glove on a guard’s hand while discovering the Medical Bay area. Then, he will pick it up from the dead guard’s body and keep it to use later.

Callisto Protocol Weapons: GRP Gloves
Callisto Protocol GRP Gloves

Skunk Gun Schematic

Type Ranged Sidearm
Damage High
Usage Combat
Acquisition Forged
Unlocked in Chapter 4, "Habitat"

The skunk gun or the skunkworks shotgun is a beast you will acquire in the early game. It is a one-handed shotgun with enormous damage, especially high enough to smoke most of the enemies found in the mid-story. Like any shotgun, it is a close-range weapon, so it is suggested to be used if you get cornered by many enemies. Consequently, the high-damage quick shot can easily take down a more significant threat if it is done timely. This gun’s limited ammo capacity allows only two bullets in the initial state and a maximum of 4 shots in the upgraded form.

The skunk gun requires a schematic to be unlocked. The schematic can be found in the story mode while playing Chapter 4, “Habitat,” where you will need to explore “Botanical Recycling.” There, you will find a place marked “Utility H630.” You will find the schematic beside a dead guard’s body in that room. area

However, if there is also a shortcut you want to unlock a little early in the game, in chapter 3, “Aftermath,” you can head to a basement opened by a gate fuse. This basement is the D3 Basement which contains a storage area where you will find the schematic for the skunk gun. This gun is bought for 800 credits in the forger.

Callisto Protocol Weapons Location: Skunk Gun Schematic in the D3 Basement
Skunk Gun Schematic in the D3 Basement

Riot Gun

Type Ranged Primary
Damage Very High
Usage Combat
Acquisition Loot
Unlocked in Chapter 5, "Lost"

Riot Gun is the first primary weapon you receive while playing the game. It is one of the best in Callisto Protocol weapons list based on their locations and damage characteristics. This gun is a dual-wielded shotgun that significantly damages anyone standing in its range. It is the perfect gun for boss fights due to its effective damage and high ammo capacity. Initially, it can hold four bullets, but later, it can store up to 8 shots after upgrading. In addition to its significant damage, the added upgrade of explosive rounds makes it the perfect counter for the massive swarm of enemies rushing toward you.

Another character, Dani, gives this weapon to the player after you help her in chapter 5, “Lost.”

Dani handing over the gun to Jacob
Dani handed over the gun to Jacob

Tactical Pistol Schematic

Type Ranged Sidearm
Damage Very Low
Usage Combat
Acquisition Forged
Unlocked in Chapter 6, "Below"

Overall, the tactical pistol is a fast-firing sidearm, ideal for clearing weak out weak mutants or finishing off critically injured enemies. The low damage of this gun is compensated by its exceptional stability and recoil. The magazine capacity of this pistol is only ten bullets. However, it can also store 20 bullets after applying the specific upgrades.

The schematic of the tactical pistol is present in a room full of blind mutants in an area called “Workshop 2A” in chapter 6, “Below.” Afterward, you can forge this gun for 600 credits.

If you miss your chance to unlock it in chapter 6, do not worry, as it will reappear in chapter 8 in two locations; one is the Mezzanine M123, and another is the Cellblock 34 P340.

Callisto Protocol: Tactical Pistol
Callisto Protocol: Tactical Pistol

Assault Rifle Schematic

Type Ranged Primary
Damage Low
Usage Combat
Acquisition Loot
Unlocked in Chapter 7, "Colony"

The assault rifle is a three-round burst fire gun found in the game’s later stages. It can deal with a large group of enemies having meager hp. The average damage this gun deals is not much compared to the riot gun; it has a better effective range due to improved stability. So, you can kill mutants from a distance without getting close to them. The initial ammo capacity is 20 which is upgradable to 25 in the later stages of the game. Lastly, you can get the TK63 Homing Rounds upgrade which is capable of tracking enemies, making it easier to take down mobile mutants.

The assault rifle schematic is located in chapter 7 of the game. You will need to go to a place called “Midtown,” where you will head to a “General Store.” Thereupon, you will get the schematic from the counter present in the store. Later, you can forge it by spending 1000 credits.

Callisto Protocol: Assault Rifle
Callisto Protocol: Assault Rifle

How To Unlock Weapons In Callisto Protocol

Dropped Weapons

These weapons are available as part of the plot early on in the game. Enemies or dead guards also drop a few of these weapons. In short, you do not need to collect materials or other stuff to get your hands on these weapons. These mainly include melee weapons and a few ranged weapons.

Gun Schematics

These relatively advanced weapons are available and unlocked later in the game. To open a schematic gun, you must collect its various parts called schematics. Then, you will need to go to a Reforger or Shop location and buy the firearm using the in-game credits.

Forging weapons using Gun Schematics in Callisto Protocol
Forging a gun using Gun Schematics

Final Thoughts

The Callisto Protocol offers a diverse list of weapons; each unlocked at various locations in the story mode. Additionally, each weapon has characteristics suited to complete the story in the required manner, and every weapon demands a different playing style. Therefore, keeping in view the list of weapons in Callisto Protocol and their locations, you can customize your loadout and upgrades according to whatever suits you the best as the story progresses.

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