Dark Souls 3 Dex Weapons: Top 15 Best Weapons

Dex builds are the meta in Dark Souls 3 PVP. Find out which weapons will help you compliment your dexterity build.

Dark Souls 3 Dex Weapons
Dark Souls 3 Dex Weapons: Top 5 Best Weapons

Dex weapons in Dark Souls 3, specially during Ember Farming rely less on the attack rating and more on patience and the right time to strike. Although they are not as much a heavy hitter as strength weapons when going for the quality build, they are commonly seen throughout PVP and PVE due to their swift move sets. Today’s guide will focus on everything about the Dark Souls 3 Dex Weapons.

Key Takeaways

Here are the 15 Best DS3 Dex Weapons and what they do:

  1. Farron Greatsword: Unique dexterity weapon with A-rated dexterity and distinctive moves.
  2. Chaos Blade: Powerful katana with S-rated dexterity, known for its long-range poke.
  3. Black Knight Glaive: Traps players in PvP with its moves, complements Black Knight set.
  4. The Washing Pole: Katana with extreme range, suits faith and dexterity builds.
  5. Exile Greatsword: One of the best swords with incredible attack power.
  6. Frayed Blade: High DPS dex weapon, acquired after defeating Darkeater Midir.
  7. Marakumo: Unique curved greatsword resembling a katana, longest in class.
  8. Astora Greatsword: Ultra greatsword with highest dexterity scaling and low stamina cost.
  9. Sellsword Twinblades: Deals high damage quickly, ideal for hit-and-run tactics.
  10. Pontiff Knight Curved Sword: High-scaling weapon for dexterity builds, buffable.
  11. Black Blade: High-damage katana, effective for quick eliminations.
  12. Old Wolf Curved Sword: Curved greatsword rewarding an aggressive playstyle.
  13. Scimitar: Beginner-friendly with great moves and scaling, ideal for sharp infusion.
  14. Uchigatana: Popular high-damage katana with bleed effect, accessible early.
  15. Drang Twinspears: Unique weapon enabling lunge attacks, excels with quality builds.

Best Dex Weapons In DS3 Compared

Comparison table for all Dex Weapons mentioned;

After spending hundreds of hours in the game doing PVP, I figured that the following are the best weapon of choice when it comes to dexterity builds. Keep in mind that these are my choice of weapons, and you may disagree with them.

This Dex Weapons guide will only focus on the weapons and not the entire build. You can also check our guide about Dark Souls 3 rings to find the best setup to go along with dex weapons.

Farron Greatsword

Dark souls 3 dex build
One of the most unique weapons – the Farron Greatsword
Attack typeStandard /Thrust
Weapon TypeUltra Greatsword
Wgt. 812.5

Immediately, some people will dislike this weapon as it is overused in the PVP aspect of Dark Souls 3. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran, the fact of the matter is that this weapon is an excellent dex weapon. It has an A rating in dexterity and has one of the most unique move sets of any weapon in the entire Souls series.

You can easily trap people to collect multiple hits on an opponent. Although it can be parried, it is not often seen in PVP. For newer players or somebody who has been playing since Demon Souls for the PS3, it is a superb weapon to try out. It is extremely entertaining to try out, and although it cannot be buffed, its A rating allows it to remain viable.

With the right stat distribution, this Dex weapon can have over 500 AR, which is absurd for any dex build.

Chaos Blade

Dark souls 3 dex build
Chaos blade is a strong katana
Attack typeSlash/Thrust
Weapon TypeKatana
Wgt. 86

Although some people view the katanas as a controversial weapon, I can’t help but acknowledge how powerful it is. Its poke attack is super overpowered because the reach is incredible, and the hit detection is a little broken. The fact of the matter is that katanas are phenomenal dex weapons. Read our article on Best Katanas in Dark Souls 3.

The chaos blade is one of the best weapons in Dark Souls 3; being the only katana with an S rating in dexterity. Keep in mind that each attack hurts the user, but it doesn’t make that much of a difference unless you only have one HP left. This weapon is recommended for players looking for a good dexterity katana.

It gives you an advantage over your opponent due to the long-range poke attack. Give this weapon a try – or any katana for that matter, and you will not be disappointed. The chaos blade is absolutely amazing and can leave your enemies frustrated. Needless to say, you should properly farm souls so you can enhance your dexterity stat and potentially one-hit enemies.

Black Knight Glaive

Dark souls 3 dex build
Full Black Knight set for additional bonuses
Attack typeStandard
SkillSpin Sweep
Weapon TypeHalberds
Wgt. 89.0

At number 3, we have the Black Knight Glaive. The main reason Black Knight Glaive weapon is included in this list is that it absolutely destroys players in PVP. It may not have the best AR in Dark Souls 3, but its move set can trap players in it instantly – kind of like the Farron greatsword.

The best part is that this Dark Souls 3 Dex weapon does not use a lot of stamina. With enough patience and the correct combos, you can convincingly come out as the victor in PVP matches. Many players are hesitant about using glaives, but they are definitely worth it. Not only is it an extremely fast weapon, but it also deals outstanding amounts of damage. Enemies will not be expecting your damage output and will be shocked once you hit them a few times.

The Washing Pole

Dark souls 3 dex build
The washing pole has insane range
Attack typeSlash/Thrust
Weapon TypeKatana

I know it’s another katana but Washing Pole one is much better than the chaos blade. Although the previous one had an S rating in dexterity; this weapon, if you do a faith build combined with dexterity is absolutely outrageous. Between Washing Pole and the Best Dark Souls 3 Dex weapon, I had a difficult time choosing which one I truly liked better.

Not only does the washing pole have amazing AR, but it also has one of the best move sets in the entirety of Dark Souls 3. This is most players go to weapon when they are running dex builds. If you use the sharp gem on it and use the lightning blade, you can increase its AR up to 650.

The washing pole is the best katana in the game hands down since the AR is unheard of when it comes to katanas. Plus, your attacks are shockingly swift as compared to other weapons which give the enemy less time to react.

Exile Greatsword

Attack typeSlash
SkillSpin Splash
Weapon TypeCurved Greatswords

As stated before, the first and second weapons in this list are a very close call. But I can confidently say that the Exile greatsword has an edge over the washing pole. Exile Greatsword is not only the best dexterity weapon, but it is one of the best swords in Dark Souls 3.

Its AR is incredible – especially in PVP. On top of that, you can put a sharp gem on it and give it a buff with a lightning blade or karthus flame arc. Exile Greatsword does an insane amount of damage for a dex build. It kills most players in one hit if they are not careful.

Combine it with a mixture of strength and dexterity build, and you got yourself one of the best builds in Dark Souls 3. The move set is unparalleled as it not only has immense speed but also surprising amounts of damage. For a weapon that swift, the damage is absolutely not fair.

You can get Exile Greatsword weapon up to almost 830 AR with the correct build. It will make the PVP fights a walk in the park for you. Plus; as a bonus point, this weapon has a cool-looking design which makes it pleasing to look at and intimidating for your opponents.

Frayed Blade

The Frayed Blade
Frayed Blade
Attack typeSlash/Thrust
Weapon TypeKatana

The Frayed blade is easily one of the best dex weapons in the game owing to its damage per second and how fun it is to use. The Frayed blade is acquired after beating one of, if not the hardest bosses in the series, and rightfully so.

The frayed blade is acquired after beating Darkeater Midir in the Ringed City DLC. It requires a strength level of 11 and a dexterity level of at least 40 with a scaling of E and B respectively. Players should opt for a dexterity level of at least 45 to maximize the viability of this Dex weapon. Since it is a unique weapon, it is reinforced using titanite scale.

It has a basic moveset compared to that of other Katanas consisting of Slashes and Thrusts, but comes with special attacks. The special R2 attack unleashes a flurry of fast attacks that deal a ton of damage and can be very annoying in PVP, the R1 special attack leaves a Dark projectile that does a hefty amount of damage.

Due to its viability, the Frayed blade is an excellent weapon for both PVE and PVP. Its viability makes it one of the best Dex weapons. The special attacks are especially devastating for PvP, they are easy to connect and will pose as an annoyance for your foes.


The Marakumo (credits: Zombie Headz)
Attack typeSlash
SkillSpin Splash
Weapon TypeCurved Greatsword

The Marakumo is one of the most unique weapons in Dark Souls 3. It is also one of the most unique weapons in Dark Souls 3. It is a curved greatsword that resembles a Katana. It is also the longest Curved greatsword in Dark Souls 3 and of the longest Dex weapons in Dark Souls 3.

It has a moveset consisting of powerful slashes and a spinning slash-heavy attack. You can acquire it by killing Alva, seeker of the spurned near the Irithyll Dungeon bonfire. It is an excellent PvE weapon and can get you by in PvP too. Due to its high damage and length, it will shred through any PVE encounter. We do not recommend using the Marakauo as a Dark Souls 3 PvP dex weapon purely because there are better alternatives.

Astora Greatsword

Astora Greatsword
Astora Greatsword (credits: Moose Torrent)
Attack typeStandard/Thrust
Weapon TypeUltra Greatsword

The Astora Greatsword is a standout weapon in Dark Souls 3, known for its versatility and effectiveness as both a Strength and Dexterity weapon. It’s particularly renowned as one of the best dexterity-focused weapons in the game.

For players planning a pure dexterity build with a high dexterity level, it’s recommended to infuse it with a Sharp gem to maximize its dex-scaling potential.

You can find the Astora Greatsword in the graveyard at the Cathedral of the Deep. It has a basic thrust moveset typical of greatswords.

The Astora Greatsword is well-suited for both PvE and PvP gameplay due to its high damage output and reach. Whether you’re facing challenging bosses or engaging in online invasions, this weapon is a reliable choice and easily ranks among the best dexterity weapons in Dark Souls 3.

Sellsword Twinblades

 Sellsword Twinblades Ds3
Sellsword Twinblades (credits: Moose Torrent)
Attack typeSlash
SkillSpin Slash
Weapon TypeCurved sword

The Sellsword Twinblades are one of the best PvE dex weapons in Dark Souls 3 and one of the best early game Dex Weapons. The Sellsword twinblades are also one of the most basic dex weapons in the game.

The sellsword twinblades are the starting weapon for the mercenary starting class. They can also be found in the Road of Sacrifices, near the black knight there. They can be buffed and infused and are upgraded using Titanite. They require a strength and dexterity level of 10 and 16 respectively and have a rating of E and C respectively. They have a basic slash moveset and a spinning slash special attack.

There isn’t much to say except for the fact that the ease of use, high damage and viability of the sellsword twinblades make them an exceptional dex weapon in Dark Souls 3.

Also See: Dark Souls 3 Titanite Scale

Pontiff Knight Curved Sword

Dark Souls 3: Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword (credits: Chasethebro)
Attack typeSlash
SkillFrost Blade
Weapon TypeCurved sword

The Pontiff Knight Curved sword is an excellent Dex weapon in Dark Souls 3. It is one of the best curved swords in the game owing to its high range, durability and unique combo.

The Pontiff Knight curved sword is upgraded using Twinkling Titanite. It cannot be buffed or infused. You can acquire it as a drop from the pontiff knights that wield it or purchase it from Greirat for 6000 souls. It has a strength rating of 12 and a dexterity rating of 18 with a D scaling in both.

The moveset of the Pontiff Knight curved Sword is similar to other curved swords, consisting of Slash attacks. It also has the highest range amongst all curved swords when dual wielded and has the most durability. It also has a special R2 similar to a spinning slash attack that does frost damage.

Due to its many features, the Pontiff Knight Curved sword is one of the best Dex weapons. It excels both as a Dark Souls 3 PvP weapon and as a PvE weapon. Its high damage, range slash attacks mean it is set for any kind of encounter.

Black Blade

Dark Souls 3 Black Blade
Black Blade (credits: Moose Torrent)
Attack typeSlash/Thrust
Weapon TypeKatana

The Black Blade is a top-tier Katana in Dark Souls 3 and stands out as one of the best dexterity-focused weapons in the game, suitable for both PvP and PvE gameplay.

To unlock the Black Blade, you can defeat a mimic near the Flame Demon bossfight.

Despite being the shortest Katana in Dark Souls 3, the Black Blade compensates with its impressive damage output and versatile moveset. Its heavy attacks transition from slashes to thrusts, making it effective for both PvE and PvP encounters.

Overall, the Black Blade is considered one of the finest dexterity weapons in the game, offering a combination of high damage, scaling, and moveset versatility that makes it a top choice for Dex builds in Dark Souls 3.

Also see: Best Dark Souls 3 Greatswords

Old Wolf Curved Sword

Dark Souls 3 - Old Wolf Curved Sword
Old Wold Curve Sword (credits: Moose Torrent)
Attack typeSlash
SkillWolf leap
Weapon TypeCurved Greatsword

The Old Wolf Curved sword comes equipped with a lot of length and very high damage. It requires a strength and dex level of 19 and 25 with a scaling of D and C respectively. It is acquired as a gift once you reach level 1 of the Watchdogs of Farron Covenant.

The Old Wolf Curved sword cannot be buffed or infused and is upgraded using twinkling titanite. It has a moveset consisting of slash attacks and a unique R2 called wolf leap that chains off of R1 attacks. All in all, the Old Wolf Curved Sword is a fantastic Dark Souls 3 Dex weapon which is especially viable as a PvE Dex weapon in Dark Souls 3 due to its high damage and length.


Scimitar DS3
Scimitar Dark Souls 3 (credits: Zombie Headz)
Attack typeSlash
SkillSpin Slash
Weapon TypeCurved sword

The Scimitar is one of the best Dark Souls 3 PvE strength weapons and is a great early game weapon excellent for beginners.

You can acquire the Scimitar from the Shrine handmaiden for just 600 souls. It can be buffed and infused and is upgraded using titanite. It has a strength and dex rating of 7 and 13 and a scaling of E and C respectively. With a high dex level of around 45, the Scimitar will get you through the game with ease.

There isn’t much to say due to how basic it is but the Scimitar is one of the faster-curved swords due to its small size, has a very pleasing moveset of slash attacks that looks very cool, and can parry weapons when wielded with your left hand. 


Uchigatana Dark Souls 3
Uchigatana (credits: Moose Torrent)
Attack typeSlash/Thrust
Weapon TypeKatana

Ah, the legendary Uchigatana. Not only is the Uchigatana an iconic Katana, it is also a great Dark Souls 3 dex weapon and one of the best PvP dex Weapons. It is also up there with the Scimitar for being one of the best early dex weapons.

You can unlock the Uchigatana early in the game by defeating the Sword Master outside Firelink Shrine.

For players focusing on a pure dexterity build, it’s recommended to infuse the Uchigatana with a sharp gem and level up your dexterity to 45 to maximize its damage potential.

The Uchigatana features a straightforward Katana moveset consisting of slashes and thrusts. Its quick moveset and simplicity make it an excellent all-around dexterity weapon in Dark Souls 3. It shines in both early game PvP and as one of the best PvP dexterity weapons in the game.

Overall, the Uchigatana is a legendary weapon that has earned its reputation as a top choice for Dex builds in Dark Souls 3.

Drang Twinspears

Dark Souls 3 Drang Twinspears
Drang Twinspears (credits: Moose Torrent)
Attack typeStandard/Thrust
Weapon TypeSpear

While on their own they make a great spear, they can be infused to serve as one of the best PvE dex weapons in Dark Souls 3. The Drang Twinspears are truly exceptional. They have high damage, an insane moveset, and a lot of range.

You can acquire the Drang Twinspears by killing the knight that wields them in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. They have a base scaling of D and D ain strength and dex respectively but through the use of the sharp gem, they can be converted into a pure dex weapon. The spears can be infused and buffed and are upgraded using titanite. They have the basic moveset of spears consisting of powerful thrusts and a heavy charge attack.

Overall, the Drang Twinspears make for one of the best dex weapons. Where normal spears lag, the Drang make up by being more in number, allowing for more space to be covered and easier use.

Related: Best Dark Souls 3 Spears

Ending Remarks

These are the 10 Best dex weapons that I found throughout my experiences of Dark Souls 3. They might not be on everyone’s list but no one can deny that these are some of the best weapons in the game. My favorite is the washing pole due to its long range, however, the exile greatsword is without a doubt the best dex weapon.

With that being said, we are now at the end of our guide about Dark Souls 3 Dex Weapons. If you disagree with this list, leave a comment below telling your favorite dexterity weapon. Also while you are here, check out Faith Weapons.

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