One of the greatest things about indie titles is the amount of creativity found within the game mechanics and the overall setting. The recently revealed dev_hell from Unhinged Studios perfectly fits that description. It is a first-person narrative deckbuilding roguelike game, but the entire gameplay is set within an office, with the players taking the role of a new dev.
Admittedly, this might be relatable and even nightmarish for some developers. Still, from what we can see in the trailer, the game has done a splendid job of blending all these different elements. As such, we spoke with Del Sharratt and Don Westerndorp, Co-Founders of Unhinged Studios, over an email interview to get more behind-the-scenes details about this nightmarish dev simulator.

Del: We both bring unique things to the table as far as our creativity and skills go, and we also both happen to be very opinionated about how things should be. I think that dynamic has generally allowed us to produce much higher quality and more meaningful results, despite and due to the emotional labor and combativeness that comes with some of our decision-making.
Eventually, that morphed into the idea of essentially dragging your team kicking and screaming to success. This was the inspiration behind dev_hell 1.0, which was like Slay the Spire, but your coworkers would be represented by decks that they used to create “situations” that you would use your own deck to solve.
Del: But after the pandemic hit, the concept didn’t feel as culturally relevant anymore since most of tech had gone remote. I was also personally interested in a concept that would allow more of a story structure than what we currently had since dev_hell 1.0 — which was originally called DEVHELL — didn’t revolve around set characters with much dialogue or personality.
Instead, we ended up pivoting to a more action-oriented game for about a year and a half before realizing the scope for that was more than a little too ambitious for a two-person team. Then, finally, at the beginning of 2023, we sat down to deeply reevaluate how we could use what we had already built to make something new. Admittedly this was a bit of a stressful time.
Don: We had a lot of game framework built, a 3D pipeline, a motion capture system, a pretty slick in-game UI, as well as some pretty well defined concepts for making a deckbuilder. This was around the time the Twitter acquisition was happening, and we had a new random idea: “What if it was like Inscryption, but instead of Leshy, it was a caricature of Elon Musk that you played cards against to prove your code was salient enough to keep your job?”
Del: And it’s worth keeping in mind that when Elon took over, he started by firing people based solely on the number of lines of code they had written…
Don: What we really wanted to do was make the player actually feel like a software developer, so we started expanding the narrative and the cast to meet that goal. That’s how we arrived at the concept we’re working on today. It’s a long story, but it feels like this is the background for most games that are made, especially in the indie scene!

Del: Our team currently has 5 people. Don and I are the Founders and handle most of the creative direction, design, art, and programming. We have two other devs who are old internet friends of Don’s who were very down to be a part of one of many of his wacky projects over the years. They help with programming and give feedback on the narrative. And we have an incredible musician who just happens to be starting out in the software development industry this year.
Del: I’ll say on my end that I pushed for a premise that would allow us to create a more personal, immersive experience. So inserting the player as themself in this world in first-person felt like the best approach, and also would encourage people to take their own personal thoughts and feelings into their play-style, consciously or otherwise.
Don: The final reason is that it’s practical. Systems that only change when the player takes an explicit action are significantly less prone to bugs. We want the player to have a high-quality experience and only have to deal with the bugs on the cards they’re battling!

There are multiple side stories in the game the player can dig into that explore both stories about the characters as well as the company you work for. If they reach a resolution to a side story they’ll often receive a very powerful reward. These can sometimes involve balancing risk vs reward, as it may make your deck weaker in the short term.
Don: For example, one of the first side stories the player will encounter is trying to figure out who is actually responsible for making the roadmap at CodeNOW. There may be multiple endings to this story, one of them involves gaining a very powerful card named “The Roadmap.” That card will destroy any opposing bugs or tech debt on the board because fixing bugs and clearing tech debt is never on the roadmap!
We have a lot of ideas outlined and are focused on including the best ones in the initial release. This will create a lot of replayability between runs and let us do a lot of interesting things with the narrative progression. No full playthrough will ever look completely alike if you choose to engage with specific side quests over others or favor certain coworkers.
Del: We will say that the CEO, Serena, is partially modeled after Elizabeth Holmes and that the CTO, Niall, takes some inspiration from Michael Scott. However, no coworker is exactly based on any particular character or person.

Del: And to a more emotional end, we want the moral ambiguity – or even overt exploitative nature – that often embodies this industry to be a focal point. No matter what role you are working on in tech, you are participating in a force that possesses a lot of influence on society. That can be a difficult place to be, especially given the passion a lot of devs have for their work. Idealistically, being able to work for a conscientious company should be a much lower bar.
Del: This is not intended to be a one-dimensional game, and the combination of different layers unraveling and the player’s own unique journey through it should leave the player with things to think about. Planning for something that has an impact is much easier said than done, but I think the weight of our own views should bring that out in the end.

Del: And that we can afford the appropriate help, especially with localization, to make sure it does the content justice.
Del: Try to approach dev_hell with an open mind. Know that your experience as the player is just as important as anything that happens throughout the course of the game.
Don: We will be posting weekly updates on Steam and engaging with the community as much as we possibly can, so give us a follow and ask us anything!
dev_hell is a first-person narrative deckbuilding roguelike game from Unhinged Studios. It is scheduled to release on PC sometime during 2024.
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Shoaib Rashid is a passionate Gamer and an experienced writer who has been covering the Gaming Industry for over 3 Years. He started his career as a freelance journalist, writing reviews, previews, news, guides, and features for various industries. He joined VA Gaming as a Writer in 2022 and was promoted to Content Editor in 2023, where he oversees the editorial tasks and ensures the quality and accuracy of the content.
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