Diablo 4: Best Necromancer Builds [Top 4]

I have invested more than 100 hours in Diablo 4. Here are the top 4 Diablo 4 Necromancer builds, including their Skills and Legendary Aspects.

Diablo 4 Necromancer builds.
Take a look at the best Diablo 4 Necromancer builds.

The Necromancer Class in Diablo 4 relies on reviving Corpses and dealing insane amounts of magic damage. In this guide, I’ll review four key Necromancer builds and their respective active and passive Skills, Aspects, Book of the Dead builds, and strategies.

Key Takeaways

  • Necromancers in Diablo 4 have power magic attacks that can explode Corpses and lead an army of Minions in battle.
  • For leveling up and taking down bosses, try the leveling build. This build includes Core Skills like Bone Spear and Blood Surge to deal burst damage and Hemorrhage to regenerate Essence.
  • The Blight Summoner build is versatile and will deal burst and DPS damage. It includes Skills like Blight, Corpse Explosion, and Blood Mist for utilizing Corpses.
  • To detonate Corpses, try the Corpse Explosion build. Use Decompose to create Corpses and Corpse Explosion to detonate them, with Bone Spear as your primary piercing attack.
  • Finally, there’s the Shadowmancer build, which uses Sever to deal with shadow damage and Shadowblight to increase that damage massively.
About The Author

Shoaib has been playing Diablo 4 for more than 80+ hours, and he knows almost all the important aspects of the game. His Blizzard ID is SHiNiGaMii#21470. You can trust his information about Diablo 4 as he has hands-on experience.

Necromancer Builds Overview

Below I will list the summary table for all the necromancer builds:

No.BuildSkillUpgradesLegendary Aspect
1Necromancer Leveling BuildBone SpearEnhanced Bone Spear, Supernatural Bone SpearBand of Torment
2Necromancer Leveling BuildBlood SurgeEnhanced Blood Surge, Paranormal Blood SurgeBlood-Bathed Sovereign Vambraces
3Necromancer Leveling BuildHemorrhageEnhanced Hemorrhage, Initiate's HemorrhageN/A
4Necromancer Leveling BuildBlood MistEnhanced Blood Mist, Dreadful Blood MistN/A
5Necromancer Leveling BuildBlood WavePrime Blood Wave, Supreme Blood Wave,N/A
6Necromancer Blight Summoner BuildBlightEnhanced Blight, Supernatural BlightN/A
7Necromancer Blight Summoner BuildCorpse ExplosionBlighted Corpse ExplosionN/A
8Necromancer Blight Summoner BuildDecomposeEnhanced Decompose, Acolyte's DecomposeFlesh-Rending Loop, Rotting Aspect
9Necromancer Blight Summoner BuildRaise SkeletonN/AN/A
10Necromancer Blight Summoner BuildArmy of the DeadPrime Army of the DeadN/A
11Corpse Explosion Necromancer BuildBone SpearEnhanced Bone Spear, Supernatural Bone SpearBand of Torment
12Corpse Explosion Necromancer BuildCorpse ExplosionPlagued Corpse ExplosionN/A
13Corpse Explosion Necromancer BuildDecomposeEnhanced Decompose, Acolyte's DecomposeFlesh-Rending Aspect
14Corpse Explosion Necromancer BuildIron MaidenEnhanced Iron Maiden, Abhorrent Iron MaidenN/A
15Corpse Explosion Necromancer BuildArmy of the DeadSupreme Army of the DeadN/A
16Corpse Explosion Necromancer BuildCorpse TendrilsEnhanced Corpse Tendrils, Plagued Corpse TendrilsN/A
17Corpse Explosion Necromancer BuildBone SpiritEnhanced Bone Spirit, Ghastly Bone SpiritN/A
18Shadowmancer BuildReapEnhanced Reap, Acolyte's ReapN/A
19Shadowmancer BuildCorpse ExplosionEnhanced Corpse Explosion, Blighted Corpse ExplosionN/A
20Shadowmancer BuildBlood MistEnhanced Decompose, Acolyte's DecomposeN/A
21Shadowmancer BuildSeverEnhanced Sever, Paranormal SeverN/A
22Shadowmancer BuildBlightEnhanced Blight, Supernatural BlightN/A
23Shadowmancer BuildDecrepifyEnhanced DecrepifyN/A

All Passive Skills

Here is the summary table for Passive Skills:

Necromancer Leveling BuildNecromancer Blight Summoner BuildCorpse Explosion Necromancer BuildShadowmancer Build
-Unliving Energy
-Imperfectly Balanced
-Coalesced Blood
-Tides of Blood
-Skeletal Warrior Mastery
-Unliving Energy
-Imperfectly Balanced
-Grim Harvest
-Necrotic Carapace
-Skeletal Mage Mastery
-Hewed Flesh
-Fueled by Death
-Grim Harvest
-Necrotic Carapace
-Ossified Essence
-Hewed Flesh
-Fueled by Death
-Grim Harvest
-Necrotic Carapace
-Reaper's Pursuit
-Crippling Darkness
-Stand Alone
-Memento Mori

Necromancer Leveling Build

Best Leveling Up Build in Diablo 4.

Why did I choose Leveling Build?

It can help level up quickly, and it’s suited for beginners to clear the early dungeons.

Necromancer leveling build skills.
This build is perfect for quickly leveling up. (Image captured by us)

The first build is the Necromancer leveling build. In my opinion, this is a great beginner’s build for quickly leveling up and clearing multiple enemies and bosses.

Active Skills

SkillEffectUpgradesLegendary Aspect
Bone SpearPenetrates foes, dealing 85% damage.Enhanced Bone Spear, Supernatural Bone SpearBand of Torment
Blood SurgeDrains the foe's HP while also dealing damage in an area.Enhanced Blood Surge, Paranormal Blood SurgeBlood-Bathed Sovereign Vambraces
HemorrhageDeals damage and may form a Blood Orb. Also generates Essence.Enhanced Hemorrhage, Initiate's HemorrhageN/A
Blood MistGrants immunity for three seconds at the cost of Movement Speed. Deals minor damge and heals minor health.Enhanced Blood Mist, Dreadful Blood MistN/A
Blood WaveDeals AoE damage while knocking back enemies.Prime Blood Wave, Supreme Blood Wave,N/A

Passive Skills

Unliving EnergyIncreases Maximum Essence by 3.
Imperfectly BalancedCore Skills cost more Essence but deal more damage.
Coalesced BloodBlood Skills deal more damage when Healthy.
TransfusionMinions receive Heal from Blood Orbs.
Tides of BloodBlood Skills deal more Overpowered damage, with the effect doubling when you're Healthy.
Skeletal Warrior MasteryGrants a Life and damage boost to Skeletal Warriors.

Book Of The Dead

At level 15, you can unlock the Book of the Dead, which enables you to summon corpses and minions to aid you in battle. Here’s the best Book of the Dead configuration for my build:

  • Skeletal Warriors: Select the second notch in the Reapers section. This lets the Warrior form Corpses (15% chance), which can be used with the Raise Skeleton Skill.
  • Skeletal Mages: Select the first notch in the Cold section. Cold Mages regenerate Essence whenever they deal damage with their primary attacks. Additionally, they may Freeze enemies.
  • Golem: Select the third notch in the Blood section. You won’t be able to summon Golems, but you will increase your Max HP by 10%.

Legendary Aspects

  • Band of Torment: Increases Essence Regeneration, improves resistance to Poison and Cold, boosts damage to Distant and Crowd Controlled Enemies, and enhances Overpower Damage.
  • Blood-Bathed Sovereign Vambraces: Enhances the nova of Blood Surge and boosts Blood Lance Ranks, Willpower, and Intelligence.
  • Blood Getter’s Aspect: Increases the maximum number of skeletal warriors and gives Amulets a 50% power boost.
  • Vicious Aspect: Increases the maximum number of skeletal mages and grants a 50% power boost to Amulets.
  • Blood-Soaked Aspect: Adds a damaging trail to Blood Mist, removes Movement Speed debuff and provides a 50% Power boost to Amulets.
  • Splintering Aspect: Improves Bone Spear’s damage against Vulnerable enemies, especially those affected by Bone Shards, with Power boosts for Two-Handed Weapons and Amulets.


This is one of the best Necromancer builds for beginners that relies on quickly leveling up and using Blood Spear and Blood Surge as your two core skills. Blood Spear deals massive damage and pierces enemies, which is great for horde encounters. Blood Surge, on the other hand, lends sustainability in battle.

The best strategy is to alternate between the two, upgrading whenever feasible. Additionally, this build requires you to use Hemorrhage to regenerate any Essence lost through your two core skills.

I suggest using Blood Wave for more giant hordes of enemies or bosses to clear them quickly.

Weapons that boost your Critical Strike Chance and Critical Hit are best with this build type. I also recommend using Reaper Skeletal Warriors and Blood Golems to improve sustainability and get through enemies faster.

  • Helps level up quickly.
  • Ideal for beginners.
  • Good against enemy groups.

  • Dependent on Minions a lot.
  • Slow movement speed.

Necromancer Blight Summoner Build

Best AoE Damage Build in Diablo 4.

Why is Blight Summoner Recommended?

It deals huge AoE damage to enemy groups and works perfectly against many bosses.

Blight summoner build skills.
Use this build to deal damage in an area. (Image captured by us)

My next build relies on Blight and Corpse Explosion. With this build, you’ll deal massive amounts of damage in a puddle of Blight and also detonate Corpses to take down bosses.

Active Skills

SkillEffectUpgradesLegendary Aspect
BlightDeals damage and creates an AoE damage area on the ground for 6 seconds.Enhanced Blight, Supernatural BlightN/A
Corpse ExplosionMakes a Corpse explode, dealing AoE damage.Blighted Corpse ExplosionN/A
DecomposeDeals damage, forming Corpses every few seconds and also regenerating Essence.Enhanced Decompose, Acolyte's DecomposeFlesh-Rending Loop, Rotting Aspect
Raise SkeletonCreates a Skeleton from a Corpse that will fight for you. If you have summoned all of your skeletons, this skill will create a Skeletal Priest that will boost your Skeleton's damage and heal them.N/AN/A
Army of the DeadSummons Volatile Skeletons for the next 7 seconds. These deal explosive AoE damage to enemies.Prime Army of the DeadN/A

Passive Skills

Unliving EnergyIncreases Maximum Essence by 3.
Imperfectly BalancedCore Skills cost more Essence but deal more damage.
Grim HarvestGenerates Essence on consuming Corpses.
Necrotic CarapaceRecieve Fortification equal to 2% of your Base HP whenever a new Corpse is formed.
Skeletal Mage MasteryGrants a Life and damage boost to Skeletal Mages.

Book Of The Dead

Here are my recommendations to unlock the minions in the Book of the Dead:

  • Skeletal Warriors: Select the first notch of the Skirmishers section. This lets you summon another Skirmisher onto the battlefield.
  • Skeletal Mages: Select the first notch of the Cold section. Each point of damage dealt by Cold Mages via their primary attack will regenerate 2 Essence.
  • Golem: Select the first notch of the Bone section. The Golem will drop a Corpse every time it takes damage worth 20% of its Maximum HP.

Legendary Aspects

  • Demonblade of Reanimation: Increases the damage that Skeletons deal along with your Intelligence, Vulnerable Damage, Damage per Hit, Attacks per Second, Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies, and Critical Strike Damage.
  • Blood-Getter’s Aspect: Increases the maximum number of Skeletal Warriors you can summon. It has a 50% Power boost when used with Amulets.
  • Vicious Aspect: Increases the maximum number of Skeletal Mages you can summon. Grants a 50% Power boost to Amulets.
  • Aspect of the Void: Makes Blight pull in your enemies toward the center of the AoE puddle. It also has a 50% Power boost when used with Amulets.
  • Aspect of the Protector: Creates a Barrier after every few seconds.
  • Flesh-Rending Loop: Regenerates HP whenever Decompose creates a Corpse. It also boosts Cold and Shadow Resistance, Cold Damage, Critical Strike Chance, and Maximum Essence.
  • Rotting Aspect: Decompose will now chain a higher number of targets. Whenever Decompose forms a Corpse, it also has a chance to form a Corpse under each target afflicted by Decompose. Has a 100% Power boost on two-handed weapons and a 50% Power boost on Amulets.


This is one of the best builds that rely on Blight and Corpse Explosion to deal massive damage in an area. Your basic skill is Decompose, which regenerates Essence and spawns a Corpse every 2.5 seconds. This works great when used with a rotating aspect and a Flesh-Rending Loop.

The two core skills are Blight and Corpse Explosion. Blight has high power and creates a puddle where the enemies receive constant AoE damage. On the other hand, Corpse Explosion detonates Corpses, dealing constant damage to all enemies in the vicinity.

In my experience, coupled with Decompose and Blight, Corpse Explosion is perfect for taking down enemy hordes and major bosses. Blighted Corpse Explosion’s upgrade converts your damage to Shadow Damage and deals damage over time instead of in a burst.

Besides that, you also rely on your Skeletal Warriors, as the Skirmishers can spawn in packs of 2. Your Cold Skeletal Mages will regenerate Essence for you, allowing your Blight never to run out. The Raise Skeleton Skill further adds to your army of Skeletons, having great synergy with Decompose.

Finally, there’s the Ultimate Skill, the Army of the Dead. This skill raises Volatile Skeletons that explode and deal burst damage to all targets in the area. Upgrade it to Prime Army of the Dead, and the exploding Volatile Skeletons will have a chance to drop Corpses.

  • Insane AoE Damage.
  • High individual damage to deal with bosses.

  • Requires essence management.
  • Vulnerable without Minions.

Corpse Explosion Necromancer Build

Best AoE & Crowd Control build in Diablo 4.

Why did I choose Corpose Explosion?

It heavily deals AoE damage, taking out multiple enemies at once to clear out hoards of them.

Corpse Explosion Diablo 4 Necromancer build.
This is the best build to utilize Corpses. (Image captured by us)

The Corpse Explosion Necromancer build relies on detonating Corpses to hit enemies in an area. The primary goal of this build is to generate as many Corpses as possible, regenerate Essence, and land powerful hits.

Active Skills

SkillEffectUpgradesLegendary Aspect
Bone SpearPenetrates foes, dealing 85% damage.Enhanced Bone Spear, Supernatural Bone SpearBand of Torment
Corpse ExplosionMakes a Corpse explode, dealing AoE damage.Plagued Corpse ExplosionN/A
DecomposeDeals damage, forming Corpses every few seconds and also regenerating Essence.Enhanced Decompose, Acolyte's DecomposeFlesh-Rending Aspect
Iron MaidenApplies a curse on an area, making enemies that deal damage while standing in this area take damage themselves.Enhanced Iron Maiden, Abhorrent Iron MaidenN/A
Army of the DeadSummons Volatile Skeletons for the next 7 seconds. These deal explosive AoE damage to enemies.Supreme Army of the DeadN/A
Corpse TendrilsCorpses pull in enemies while stunning them. This skill consumes no Essence and also deals damage.Enhanced Corpse Tendrils, Plagued Corpse TendrilsN/A
Bone SpiritCreates a bone spirit from all remaining Essence that chases enemies and explodes, dealing damage in an area. The damage is increased proportional to the amount of Essence consumed.Enhanced Bone Spirit, Ghastly Bone SpiritN/A

Passive Skills

Hewed FleshYour hits have a probability to make a Corpse, with the odds doubling during boss fights.
Fueled by DeathAfter using up a Corpse, you deal more damage.
Grim HarvestGenerates Essence on consuming Corpses.
Necrotic CarapaceRecieve Fortification equal to 2% of your Base HP whenever a new Corpse is formed.
Ossified EssenceFor every Essence above 50 that you have, Bone Skills will deal more damage.
EvulsionVulnerable enemies take more Critical Strike Damage from Bone Skills.
SerrationFor every 10 Essence that you have available, Bone Skills have a higher Critical Strike Chance.

Book Of The Dead

  • Skeletal Warriors: Select the second notch of the Reapers section. This gives the Reapers a 15% chance to create a Corpse from fallen enemies.
  • Skeletal Mages: Select the second notch of the Bone section. When a Bone Mage dies from its moves, it Fortifies you for 11% of your Base HP and leaves behind a Corpse.
  • Golem: Select the first notch of the Bone section. When your Bone Golem takes 20% of its HP in damage, it will create a Corpse.

Legendary Aspects

  • Splintering Aspect: This makes your Bone Spear pierce several enemies behind a Vulnerable one. Additionally, Bone Shards created by your Bone Spear will deal more damage to vulnerable enemies while passing through them and features a 100% Power boost with two-handed weapons and a 50% boost with Amulets.
  • Aspect of Torment: Briefly boosts Essence Regeneration with every Critical Strike acquired through your Bone Skills. Grants Amulets a 50% Power increment.
  • Hulking Aspect: Golems can create a corpse whenever they hit enemies, which may decrease their active cooldown. Amulets gain a 50% Power raise with this Aspect.
  • Flesh-Rending Aspect: Regenerates HP whenever Decompose creates a Corpse. Also boosts Cold and Shadow Resistance, Cold Damage, Critical Strike Chance, and Maximum Essence.


My build heavily relies on creating and exploding Corpses to deal massive amounts of AoE damage. This build has two core Skills: Decompose and Corpse Explosion. Decompose creates Corpses while Corpse Explosion detonates them, creating an undeniable synergy.

I strongly advise using Bone Spear and upgrading it to Supernatural Bone Spear for your base attack. I also suggest you upgrade your Corpse Explosion to Plagued Corpse Explosion. This makes it so that Corpse explosions deal more damage to Stunned, Slowed, or Vulnerable enemies with stackable effects.

As for the Book of the Dead, you’ll go for maximum Corpse creation. Some useful Legendary Aspects included in this build are the Flesh-Rending Aspect and Splintering Aspect.

The Flesh-Rending Aspect is crucial to HP regeneration and sustaining in battle with Decompose. The Splintering Aspect enhances your basic attack and makes Bone Spear penetrate further when targets are vulnerable. This is one of the best Necromancer builds for detonating Corpses and dealing explosive bursts of damage.

  • High AoE Damage.
  • Good for Crowd Control.

  • Heavily dependent on Minions.
  • Vulnerable to damages.

Shadowmancer Build

Best Late Game Build.

Why did I Choose Shadowmancer?

It suits best for the late game. Shadowmancer primarily deals AoE damage with a few defensive attributes.

Shadowmancer Diablo 4 Necromancer build.
For maximum Shadow damage, configure this build. (Image captured by us)

This build utilizes Shadow damage, with Sever and Shadowblight being its key Skills. You should aim for this build near levels 50-70.

Active Skills

SkillEffectUpgradesLegendary Aspect
ReapDeals 12% damage to enemies while also reducing your damage taken for by 15% for 4 seconds. Also generates 4 Essence per hit.Enhanced Reap, Acolyte's ReapN/A
Corpse ExplosionMakes a Corpse explode, dealing AoE damage.Enhanced Corpse Explosion, Blighted Corpse ExplosionN/A
Blood MistGrants immunity for three seconds at the cost of Movement Speed. Deals minor damge and heals minor health.Enhanced Decompose, Acolyte's DecomposeN/A
SeverCreates a specter that charges into enemies and deals damage, then comes back to you and deals some more damage.Enhanced Sever, Paranormal SeverN/A
BlightDeals damage and creates an AoE damage area on the ground for 6 seconds.Enhanced Blight, Supernatural BlightN/A
DecrepifyApplies a Curse on an area, slowing enemies and reducing their damage output for a few seconds.Enhanced DecrepifyN/A

Passive Skills

Hewed FleshYour hits have a probability to make a Corpse, with the odds doubling during boss fights.
Fueled by DeathAfter using up a Corpse, you deal more damage.
Grim HarvestGenerates Essence on consuming Corpses.
Necrotic CarapaceRecieve Fortification equal to 2% of your Base HP whenever a new Corpse is formed.
Reaper's PursuitDarkness Skills grant a Movement Speed boost upon hitting an enemy.
Crippling DarknessDarkness Skills may Stun enemies (15% base chance).
TerrorDarkness Skills deal extra damage to Stunned, Immobilized, and Slowed enemies. This also applies to damage dealt by Minions and can be stacked.
GloomDealing damage with Darkness Skills increases you and your minion's damage output. This effect can stack.
Stand AloneReduces damage taken by 6%, along with a 2% damage reduction for every Minion alive.
ShadowblightShadow Damage will also apply Shadowblight to enemies. This increases you and your minions' damage output and also applies 20% extra Shadow Damage for every 10th time that an enemy receives Shadow Damage with Shadowblight from you or your minions.
Memento MoriIf you sacrifice both Skeletal Mages and Warriors, their respective bonuses receive a 20% bonus.

Book Of The Dead

For the Book of the Dead, I recommend the following minions:

  • Skeletal Warriors: Select the third notch of the Reaper section. You will sacrifice your Warriors to deal additional (base 15%) Shadow Damage.
  • Skeletal Mages: Select the third notch of the Cold section. This sacrifices your Skeletal Mages for a 15% increase in damage to Vulnerable enemies.
  • Golem: Select the third notch of the Blood section. You’ll receive a 10% boost in Maximum Life at the expense of being unable to raise Golems. You can also select the third notch of the Bone section to get a 40% boost in your Overpower damage.

Legendary Aspects

  • Aspect of Disobedience: Grants a 20% damage reduction on Basic Skills.
  • Aspect of Might: Dealing damage to enemies will grant a slight boost in armor that can stack for a maximum of 50% armor. Has a 50% boost with Amulets.
  • Eluding Aspect: Become Unstoppable whenever you get Injured during the Crowd Control state. Amulets receive a 50% Power increment.
  • Aspect of Empowering Reaper: Sever’s Critical Strikes give you a 10-20% probability of creating a small puddle of Blight below your foe. This deals additional damage and has 100% Power scaling with two-handed weapons and 50% with Amulets.
  • Blighted Aspect: After Shadowblight damages enemies 10 times in a row, you will receive a massive power boost, from 50% to 120%.


When you play this build, your primary focus should be slowing enemies. This build relies on dealing Shadow Damage with Sever and then using Shadowblight to boost your Shadow Damage further insanely.

I prefer using Decrepify to Cure your enemies and then using Blight to slow them down. These two Skills have great synergy and are perfect for bosses and enemies that move too fast or try to run away.

You’ll want to use Reap followed by Corpse Explosion to deal burst damage to bosses and minibosses. Reap will create Corpses for Corpse Explosion to detonate and deal burst damage in an area.

Alternate between Blight and Sever to quickly finish off hordes of enemies. Sever should be used with Shadowblight against enemies that take longer to defeat.

Finally, there’s Blood Mist, in case you need a quick getaway or to buy some time.

  • High AoE Damage.
  • Excellent Crowd Control
  • Decent Survivability.

  • Hard to survive in the early game.
  • Slow movement speed.

My Recommendation For Best Necromancer Build

From my experience, Necromancers provide extreme resourcefulness in battle, especially against hordes and bosses who move a lot. To recap, Necromancers rely a lot on reviving and exploding Corpses. Corpse Explosion is a core skill in almost all builds. And without Bone Spear or Splinter, Necromancers would be incomplete. I highly advise focusing on these skills to make the most out fo the damage experience and ensure endgame survival. 

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