Video Games have had many moments that would make many people very disturbed or uneasy. Be it due to their...
Come across some of the most unique and interesting features related to games. These opinion pieces are mostly up for debate, they encourage an open discussion and interaction with the readers while still trying to present facts that can uphold the topic and opinion shared by the author.
As we are sure you might have noticed, 2020 has been a pretty tough year. The world is on it’s...
Nintendo, the oldest player in the console market that still partakes in it. Their games are timeless and great, their...
The platformer is arguably the genre that is most ubiquitous with the idea of a video game; It’s a type...
In short, the backbone of any great video game universe comes from the vast imagination of artists. Since concept art...
In the aftermath of perhaps one of the most controversial releases in the last few years. It is important to...