Since the dawn of the digital age in gaming, there has been a clear divide between AAA titles and the...
Come across some of the most unique and interesting features related to games. These opinion pieces are mostly up for debate, they encourage an open discussion and interaction with the readers while still trying to present facts that can uphold the topic and opinion shared by the author.
Microsoft's console is lacking innovation and exclusives, questioning its place in the next-generation race.
Games can have multiple sequels and sometimes prequels. But there are some game franchises that exceed what I see as...
2020 marks the 5th anniversary of DONTNOD Entertainment’s Life Is Strange, published by Square Enix and released all the way...
It is a common thing for games to be delayed due to development issues and this has recently been the...
With the world being a mess at the moment and with most events being cancelled, Halloween this year doesn’t feel...