Disappointed by X-Men Origins: Wolverine? The movie may be rough, but the video game may be considered one of the best Wolverine experiences.
Come across some of the most unique and interesting features related to games. These opinion pieces are mostly up for debate, they encourage an open discussion and interaction with the readers while still trying to present facts that can uphold the topic and opinion shared by the author.
Baldur's Gate 3 may have set a standard for CRPGs, but Pathfinder: WOTR isn't far behind in gameplay and customization innovation.
Often called the 'Anime Dark Souls', its unique systems and mechanics are not appreciated by players for their creativity.
Will Bethesda bring innovation to its game design tactics for their most ancticipated title The Elder Scrolls VI?
Myst's sequel Riven has a remake after 27 years and with new graphics & faithful gameplay it is as close to the original game as one could be.
COD: Blackout could have been the greatest Battle Royale game today, but it's short life and less attention by devs ruined the possibility.