Final Fantasy 16: Weapons List & Types

Do you want to know about the final fantasy 16 weapon types to better equip yourself? Well, we have just the guide for you.

final fantasy 16 weapon types

Weapon types in Final Fantasy 16 are confusing since all the weapons are swords. Still, the types can refer to the weapon’s rarity, which determines its damage and affects your gameplay.

Key Takeaways

  • Tier 1 weapons are your starting weapons.
  • Tier 2 is slightly above Tier 1 but still just as useless when it comes down to it.
  • Tier 3 is the same as Tier 2 weapons but with a smidge more damage to offer, nothing to write home about.
  • Tier 4 is a multitude of weapons with decent damage and decent design qualities worthy of noting and should be your weapons of choice.
  • Tier 5 are weapons you are meant to use in NG+ since they offer insane damage.

Weapon Rarity Types

Weapon Types / Rarities are classified into a number-based class system with five tiers, with one exception I will get to in just a bit.

  • Tier 1 weapons are your starting weapons with little damage and plain Jane designs.
  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 are almost interchangeable with the lack of diversity in these groups regarding damage and design.
  • Tier 4 weapons are where things get interesting, with damage finally picking up and the design for each starting to stand out individually.
  • Tier 5 is the realm of ultimate weapons with stats so high that they seem game-breaking when you first think about it, but we realize later that they are balanced with NG+ in mind, similar to Dark Souls.

List Of Weapons

I have compiled a list of weapons known to us at this point. A few weapons are missing as of this point in time, but they will be added, so check back in with us to get the latest info on yet-to-be-discovered weapons.

WeaponBase Attack/Stagger+1 Reinforced Attack/Stagger+2 Reinforced Attack/StaggerHow To Acquire
Platinum Sword200 / 200210 / 210220 / 220You can buy this weapon from Charon’s Toll for 1500 Gil.
Gaia Blade140 / 140150 / 150160 / 160You can buy this weapon from Charon’s Toll for 1000 Gil
Bastard Sword110 / 110120 / 120130 / 130You can buy this weapon from Charon’s Toll for 700 Gil
Longsword95 / 95105 / 105115 / 115You can buy this weapon from Charon’s Toll for 500 Gil
Broadsword80 / 8090 / 90100 / 100You can find it inside a chest in Dhalmekia
Imperial Infantry Blade75 / 75This is one of your starting weapons
Sparring Sword55 / 55
Rosarian Oath55 / 55This is one of your starting weapons
Ancient Sword252 / 252You can craft this weapon after completing the “Streets Of Madness” quest
Grindstone225 / 225You can craft this weapon after defeating Hugo Kupka and getting the Earth Shard
Coral Sword185 / 185You can find it inside of a chest in the mines of Drake’s Head
Excalibur268 / 268You can either complete Blacksmith’s Blues II or you can craft after getting your hands on the weapon’s Design Draft Curiosity
Levinbolt195 / 195You can craft this weapon after defeating Republican War Panther and getting the Lightning Shard
Flametongue180 / 180You can craft this weapon after defeating the Infernal Eikon and getting the Flame Shard
Invictus165 / 165You can get this weapon during the “Holding On” quest
Stormcry135 / 135You can craft this weapon after defeating Garuda and getting the Wind Shard
Braveheart130 / 130You can only get this weapon if you pre-ordered the game
Defender320 / 320330 / 330340 / 340You can find it inside a chest in Skaithfarr
Blood Sword130 / 130
Gotterdammerung375 / 375You can either complete Blacksmith’s Blues IV or you can craft after getting your hands on the weapon’s Design Draft Curiosity
Masamune310 / 310You can craft this weapon after completing the “Brotherhood” quest
Everdark315 / 315You can craft this weapon after completing the “Across The Narrow” quest
Icebrand300 / 300You can craft this weapon after completing the “Things Fall Apart” quest
Brightburn270 / 270You can buy this weapon after completing the “Out Of The Shadow” quest
Ragnarok325 / 325
Diamond Sword245 / 245255 / 255265 / 265You are able to purchase this weapon
Enhancer230 / 215240 / 225250 / 235You can buy this weapon after completing “Out Of The Shadow” quest
Rune Blade275 / 275285 / 285295 / 295You can craft this weapon after completing “A Song Of Hope” quest
Ultima Weapon700 / 700You can only craft this weapon after completing the game once and going into NG+

Weapons Table.

My Thoughts On Weapons List

Quite a few weapons stand out, but in the end, it isn’t about what weapon you use but how well you use it. The game has several mechanics that are quite in-depth, and the combat for this new installment is quite nice. This includes the Weapon Types mechanic you must understand.

In my opinion, it is quite reminiscent of Devil May Cry and action-style beat-em-ups but with more skill than just pressing one button consecutively for 30 seconds. Overall, it is just a fun experience you should enjoy to the fullest.

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