GOW Ragnarok: All Mines Water Wheel Puzzles

This Guide will help you to solve Water wheel puzzles in Apple Core Mines in quest of Tyr

God of War Ragnarök All Mines Puzzles
Guide to All Mines Water Wheel Puzzles.

During the Quest for Tyr mission of God of War Ragnarok. When Kratos and Atreus walk towards the apple core mine, there will be a need to solve God of War Ragnarok All Mines water wheel puzzles to open their pathway to finding Tyr. Most gamers find it pretty complex and ambiguous to solve these puzzles and it becomes frustrating sometimes times.

Key Takeaways:

  • There is a total of 5 Mines Water wheel puzzles.
  • Kratos’ character will be playing mostly to solve puzzles.
  • Successive Mines Water wheel puzzles are slightly more complex than the previous ones.
  • The Leviathan Axe of Kratos can change the water flow on the wheel.
  • Old civilization does not know water wheels. That is why Mines in God of War Ragnarok confused them.

Mine Water Wheel Puzzle 1

In the first puzzle, you will see water flowing through the trough throw the Leviathan axe towards the fourth section of the trough if you will count from left. It will freeze the water. As a result, it will lower the crane to sing over the gap.

  1. Freeze Water: Use the Leviathan axe to freeze the water in the trough (fourth section from the left) to lower a crane.

  2. Cross Gap: Cross the gap created by the lowered crane.

  3. Light Blue Flames: Use Atreus’ blue rune arrow to clear blocks with symbols on the front of a box.

  4. Clear Right Box: Clear a box to the right of the Horn of Blood Mead box.

  5. Jump Down: Jump down the ridge to the left to find a box with Rawhide.

  6. Freeze Water Again: Freeze water in another block with the same symbol, then clear it with Atreus’ arrow.

  7. Clear Last Block: Cross a gap and clear the last blue crystal block.

  8. Collect Horn of Blood Mead: Collect the Horn of Blood Mead to complete the puzzle.

Mine Water Wheel Puzzle 1
Clear all the blue crystal blocks and solve the puzzle

Mine Water Wheel Puzzle 2

The second Mine water wheel puzzle is about crossing the door and the main task is to reach up to that door.

  1. Follow Atreus: Climb the hill and follow Atreus.

  2. Freeze Bridge: Use the Leviathan Axe to freeze the gear mechanism that controls the bridge when it’s flat.

  3. Move Forward: Jump and move forward after freezing the bridge.

  4. Freeze Water Trough: When you encounter a large block in your path, throw the Leviathan Axe at the water trough to freeze it.

  5. Hit Red Square: There’s a red square hanging beside the trough. Hit it to change the trough’s direction.

  6. Rotate Wheel: The water will now rotate the other wheel, lifting the block.

  7. Move Down Block: After the block is lifted, hit the trough with the axe to move the block down slightly.

  8. Jump to Block: Jump onto the block.

  9. Raise Block: As the water starts the wheel again, it will raise the block, allowing you to reach the door.

  10. Open Door: Atreus will be on the other side of the door to help you open it, completing the puzzle.

Water Wheel in Second Mine Puzzle
In the Apple Core Second Mine, Water Wheels to find the Tyr

Mine Water Wheel Puzzle 3

After solving the above two puzzles you will end up in a room with a lot of water wheel mechanisms in it. Atreus will help you to clear some rocks in the pathway of the trough to avoid disrupting the flow of water in it.

  1. Throw Leviathan Axe: Throw the Leviathan Axe at the middle of the main trough where the water is flowing.

  2. Direct Water: Aim to make the water fall directly into the second trough located right under the main one.

  3. Activate Water Wheel: Once the water flows through the second trough, it will activate the water wheel and raise the chain.

  4. Pass the Gap: With the chain raised, you can now pass the gap and proceed through the door, solving the third puzzle.

Water Wheel Puzzle 4
Water Wheel Puzzle 4 in Apple Core Mines

Mine Water Wheel Puzzle 4

In puzzle four, you will face two enemies in the mines.

  1. Defeat Enemies: Deal with the two enemies you encounter in the mines.

  2. Follow the Track: Continue following the path, which resembles an old railway track.

  3. Enter the Room: Enter a room with water wheels and a trough containing flowing water. There’s a door across the gap, possibly where Tyr escaped.

  4. Climb the Chain: Look to your right and jump up the ridge where you see a metal chain. Climb up to an elevated area with a red square, the same one you hit before to change water flow.

  5. Hit the Red Square: Hit the red square again to alter the water flow. This action will activate one of the water wheels.

  6. Return to Main Trough: Go back to the point where you were earlier. Throw the Leviathan Axe at the main trough directly above the water wheel to your left.

  7. Activate the Second Wheel: The second wheel will start working, lifting the chain. Now, you can cross the gap.

  8. Continue Flow Control: Throw the axe towards the trough above your head on the right, and a lift will come down.

  9. Enter the Lift: Open the door and enter the lift to complete the puzzle.

Mine puzzle 4

Reach the Lift in Puzzle 4 Using the Leviathan axe

Mine Water Wheel Puzzle 5

After moving up on the lift which you mounted in puzzle four.

  1. Throw the Leviathan axe toward the trough on your left. This will move the block located at some distance right in front of you.

  2. You can use this block as a conveyer belt to reach the door.

  3. Help Atreus climb up the ridge behind you. He will remove hurdles such as rocks in the pathway of water in the troughs.

  4. Once Atreus has cleared the way, throw the axe on the trough to your right. This action will lift the chain.

  5. Use the chain to climb onto the block that you previously moved in front of you.

  6. Atreus will continue to remove obstacles as the block moves, and it will take you toward the door.

  7. Open the door, and by following these steps, you will solve all the puzzles in this section of the game.

God of War Ragnarok All Mines Water Wheel Puzzle 5
Final Puzzle and Reunion with Tyr


The magical Leviathan Axe is the main weapon in case of solving these puzzles in the apple core mines in the quest of Tyr. God of War Ragnarok All Mines water wheel puzzles is not as confusing as they are usually considered. Solving them will help the Kratos to reunite with Tyr.

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God of War Ragnarok The Hateful

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