Hogwarts Legacy: How To Find Eyeball Chests

Eyeball Chest is tricky to open, but it gets easier once you know the trick! Use the Disillusionment spell to sneak past it!

Hogwarts Legacy Eyeball Chest

You can find the Eyeball chests scattered across the map. To identify the Eyeball chests from any ordinary chest, you can notice the weird eye wiggling around, scanning the place and even the students! They’ll also stare at you suspiciously, and if you, like the rest, try to get close and see what’s inside, they’ll retaliate!

Related: If you were wondering how the hat sorts your house for you, check out our guide on “Hogwarts Legacy House Sorting“!

Key Takeaways

  • Players cannot open Eyeball chests with brute force or strength-based spells you cook up in the potions class.
  • It requires brains and not brawns, so you’ll have to use your brains to open the Hogwarts Legacy Eyeball Chests!
  • There is a simple spell you can learn during a mission with Sebastian. The spell we’re talking about is none other than the Disillusionment spell.
  • Think about it: what does the eye want? It looks at you suspiciously instead, so the only way to unlock it is if you’re Invisible!
  • Once the eye is unable to see you, you’ll get a prompt button to open the Eyeball chest.
  • You’re rewarded with 500 Gold each time you open an eyeball chest.
Secrets of The Restricted Section
You can unlock the Disillusionment Spell from the main quest!

H0w To Find Eyeball Chests 

Eyeball Chest Location
You can find the first chest in the Library!

You can locate Eyeball Chests:

  1. Library: The first chest is in the Library.
  2. Castle Exploration: Eyeball chests are more common inside the castle compared to the outside. They offer rewards for recipes and crafting.
  3. Invisible Potion: You’ll need an invisible potion to open these chests, which becomes available later in the game.
  4. Approximately 10 Chests: There are around 10 eyeball chests in the castle, each providing up to 5,000 Gold Galleons. Their locations vary, but one is in the restricted section of the library.
  5. Library Annex: Find another chest near the Library Annex, accessible through the Greenhouses. Look for a giant tree with submerged roots and an underground stairway.
  6. Astronomy Tower: The fourth chest is in the bathroom near Professor Fig’s Classroom. Use the Disillusionment charm before approaching it.
  7. Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom (Foo Flame): Visit this classroom, head to the second floor, go down the stairs, and turn left to discover another chest.

There are still more Eyeball Chests in Hogwarts Castle to find, so keep exploring

My Thoughts on Eyeball Chests

There are more than twenty eyeball chests you can unlock in Hogwarts Legacy. Each of these chests rewards a player with 500 Gold Galleons, which means it can be fairly easy to earn more than 10,000 Gold early on in the game and buy those expensive recipes! So far, there seem to be ten chests inside Hogwarts Castle. I’ve given you four locations, meaning you can earn 2,000 Gold Galleons right off the bat! The trick is to use the Disillusionment spell and open the chest!

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