Hogwarts Legacy Mandrake Seeds [Locations + Utility]

You can buy mandrake seeds from the store in Hogsmeade. Mandrake seeds are used to grow mandrakes which then can be used for combat!

mandrake seeds
Image Credits: TheBookDragon

In Hogwarts Legacy, Mandrakes are battle equipment that will startle and stun enemies when utilized. We need mandrake seeds to grow mandrakes. These are among the most practical tools, especially in a scenario where you are fighting multiple opponents.

You will utilize these evil critters to harm your enemies once the Mandrake seeds have grown out to their final form. As you hurl your magic spells at your opponent, they will shout in their ears just like they did in the movies. 

There are two ways you can get mandrake seeds.

  1. Buying them from the Store 
  2. Exploring the map (quite rare)

Additionally, mandrakes are mostly grown and discovered in the Forbidden Forest’s northern regions. So that can be a handy location to look for the seeds if you plan to roam around and look for them.

Key Takeaways

  • Mandrakes are battle equipment that will startle and stun enemies when utilized.
  • We need mandrake seeds to grow mandrakes.
  • There are two ways you can get mandrake seeds i.e. buying them from the Store and exploring the Forbidden Forest’s northern regions.
  • Mandrake seeds are priced at 800 galleons at the Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade.
  • You can grow the seeds in the Room of Requirement in multiple quantities.
  • You can also grow the seeds in the Herbology class.
  • Obtaining and utilizing mandrake plants is a requirement to receive the reward for Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1.
  • You can equip and release mandrakes at enemies to stun them. This will allow you to have some time off during tense combat and defeat your opponents while they’re getting weaker.

Getting Mandrake Seeds From Hogsmeade

Location of Dogweed and Deathcap Store. Image Credits: ConCon
Location of Dogweed and Deathcap Store. Image Credits: ConCon

Mandrake seeds are available for purchase at the following store and prices in Hogsmeade:

  • Store name: Dogweed and Deathcap
  • Price: 800 Galleons
Mandrake seeds priced at 800 galleons
Mandrake seeds priced at 800 galleons. Image Credit: ConCon

The store is not in the main town, so it can be a bit hard to find at first. But don’t worry, I have steps for you to follow to get to this store.

  1. Get to the center of the main town.
  2. Look to the north, you’ll see the store across the river.
  3. It’s roughly 200 steps outside of Hogsmeade. 

One thing that I should let you know is that these seeds are priced at 800 galleons when you enter the store. Moreover, you can just buy the mandrake plant itself in Hogwarts Legacy outright at 500 galleons if you lack the patience to grow them.

Growing Mandrake seeds
Growing Mandrake seeds on the potting table. Image Credits: ConCon

How to Grow Mandrakes From Mandrake Seeds

There are two ways in which you can grow mandrake seeds for your use. You can either grow mandrakes at:

  • Room of Requirement:
    Unlock the Room of Requirement. There you can use tools like potting tables with 5 little pots which will allow you to grow 5 mandrake plants at once. You can also cultivate mandrake in big quantities by following this method.
  • Herbology class: 
    This one is far simpler to reach depending on what stage of the game you are at. The mandrake seed will start to grow after 10 minutes of planting it in the soil in Herbology Class. 

Using Mandrakes In Combat

You can employ the mandrake in combat after it has been gathered.

The controls on how to use it are described below:

  1. Press and hold the left shoulder button (LB) on an Xbox controller to access the equipment wheel.
  2. The wheel will replace a potion with the Mandrake, and the Mandrake will be visible.
  3. Release the Mandrake by pressing the left shoulder button (LB). It will scream towards nearby enemies, causing damage and stunning them.

I strongly recommend using the Mandrake can provide you with a strategic advantage during intense combat, allowing you to weaken and defeat your opponents while they’re incapacitated, thanks to the Mandrake’s abilities.

Additionally, collecting and using Mandrake plants is necessary to complete Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1 and sometimes to learn new spells while progressing through the main plot missions. Enjoy acquiring and utilizing Mandrakes in your adventures!

Garlick's assignment mandrake seeds
Professor Garlick’s assignment regarding mandrake seeds. Image credits: FP Good Game

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