Hogwarts Legacy Symbol Door Puzzles [SOLVED]

Cannot get through the Symbol Doors in Hogwarts Legacy? Read this guide on how to unlock them.

There are 12 symbol doors in Hogwarts Legacy. When you come across a symbol door, you’ll notice that it has unique animal symbols around it and a blank board in the middle of it. When you get closer and interact with the door, you’ll reveal 2 triangles with symbols and numbers.

You’ll also discover two dials near the door that you can cycle. One of them will have one question mark indicating that it is for the first triangle and the other dial will have 2 question marks indicating the second triangle.

Key Takeaways

  • There are 12 Symbol Doors in Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Each symbol on the door is associated with a number from left to right.
  • Every Symbol Door requires you to do math to reach a solution.
  • You may need to use Alohomora and Disillusionment charm to get to some of these doors.
  • The Symbol Doors have 2 triangles each associated with one dial on the sides of the door.
  • You need to add two numbers given on the vertices of the triangle and subtract the sum from the middle number to get the answer.
  • The symbol on the dial should be the one associated with the number you calculated.
  • You get one piece of clothing and a collectible from these doors.

Here is  a summary table for the Symbol Door Puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy:

1Charms Classroom Symbol DoorAstronomy Wing
2North Hall Symbol DoorAstronomy Wing
3The Great Hall Symbol DoorGreat Hall
4Central HallLibrary Annex
5Central Hall RaftersLibrary Annex
6Arithmancy Classroom Symbol Door 1Arithmancy Classroom
7Arithmancy Classroom Symbol Door 2Arithmancy Classroom
8Long Gallery Symbol DoorLibrary Annex area.
9Faculty Tower Symbol DoorFaculty Tower
10Grand Staircase Symbol DoorGrand Staircase area
11House Hourglasses Symbol DoorGrand Staircase area
12Ravenclaw Tower Symbol DoorGrand Staircase area

Understanding The Symbol Doors

Each of the symbols around the door is an animal and a number is associated with it starting from the left and going all the way to the right in the following order,

  • 0 for Furry Creature.
  • 1 for Unicorn.
  • 2 for Strange Goat.
  • 3 for Three-headed Snake.
  • 4 for Weird Owl.
  • 5 for Sad Spider.
  • 6 for Lizard.
  • 7 for One-eyed Squid.
  • 8 for Spider.
  • 9 for Hydra.

This puzzle is not about some animal combination but about math.

  • You need to find the missing numbers in the vertices of the triangles. The 3 numbers at the vertices will add up to make the number in the middle.
  • Add those numbers that are given in the vertex.
  • Subtract the sum from the number in the middle of the triangle.
  • Repeat this process for both triangles.
  • After calculating the missing number, compare it with the number associated with the animals shown around the door.
  • Choose the appropriate animal combination on the dials beside the door.

Charms Classroom Symbol Door


  1. This puzzle door is located inside the Astronomy Wing.
  2. To reach this door, fast travel to the Charms Classroom floo flame.
  3. From this point, you need to head to your left where some students are talking (if you visit this place during the day).
  4. Continue to move left and you’ll find this symbol door in the corner.


Facing Charms Classroom Symbol Door
Charms Classroom Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

When you reveal the puzzle on this door, the first triangle shows 5 in the middle and the second one shows 12 in the middle.

So, 5-(3+0) = 2 which is the number for the strange goat which is the symbol of the first dial on the left of the door.

Right Dial Location
Right Dial Location -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

For the second triangle, we have a Unicorn in the equation. Since Unicorn indicates 1, the equation becomes 12-(1+4) = 7 which is the number for One-eyed Squid and the symbol of the second dial on the right of the door.


Opening chests in charms classroom symbol door.
Charms Classroom Chests -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

After you have set the dials, you should be able to open the door. This door has two chests and they yield.

  • Jobberknoll Statue.
  • Stylish Blazer School Uniform.

North Hall Symbol Door


  1. As the Charms Classroom Symbol Door, you’ll find this one in the Astronomy Wing.
  2. To get to this door, you need to fast-travel to the Transfiguration Classroom floo flame and go towards your right.
  3. Enter the first door you encounter on your left.
  4. You’ll enter the North Hall. Move forward and use the staircase on your right.
  5. Continue moving up until you find a level one locked door.
  6. Opening it, you’ll enter an old place stuffed with spider webs. Keep moving forward to discover a symbol door on your left.


Facing North Hall Symbol Door
North Hall Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle on this door shows 10 and the second one shows 7 in the middle.

Choosing lizard on left dial.
Left Dial Location -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle also has the Strange Goat symbol which is for 2. The equation 10-(2+2) gives 6 which is for Lizard. Select Lizard for the dial on the left.

Choosing Three-headed snake on right dial.
Right Dial Location -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

13-(7+1) gives 5 which is the number for the Three-headed snake. Change the dial on the right accordingly.


Opening chests behinds the North Hall symbol door.
North Hall door Rewards -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

This door also has two chests with the following rewards,

  • Ruined Stairway.
  • Forest Tartan Scarf.

The Great Hall Symbol Door


  1. This symbol door is in the Great Hall where the Sorting Ceremony was held.
  2. Fast travel to the Great Hall floo flame and head towards your left. You’ll see a pillar.
  3. Move around it to the left and go straight to find a symbol door there.


Facing the Great hall symbol door.
The Great Hall Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle on this door shows 24 and the second one shows 14 in the middle.

Choosing spider on left dial.
Left Dial Location -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle has a Hydra symbol which is for 9. So, the equation 24-(9+7) gives 8, the number for Spider. Change the left dial accordingly.

Choosing 3 headed snake on right side
Right Dial Location -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The second triangle has the Furry Creature symbol which is for 0. Equation 14-(11+0) gives 3 which is for Three-headed Snake for the right dial.


The Great Hall Symbol Door rewards
The Great Hall Symbol Door rewards -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The rewards of this door are,

  • Tree collectible.
  • Gold Rimmed Half-Moon Spectacles.

Central Hall


  1. This symbol door is in the Library Annex area.
  2. To get to it, fast travel to the Central Hall floo flame.
  3. You’ll see a staircase leading to a giant statue.
  4. Go to your left from there to see a large door.
  5. On the left of the door, you’ll find a symbol door.
  6. One dial of this symbol door is on the left of the door and the second dial is on the floor just above the door, so you need to use the staircase to get to it.


Facing Central Hall Symbol Door.
Central Hall Symbol Door Location -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle on this door shows 21 in the middle and the second has 17 in the middle.

Choosing Spider on left dial.
Left Dial Location -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle also has a strange goat symbol on it which is for 2. So, the equation gives 21-(11+2) = 8 which is the number for Spider. Adjust the dial on the left of the door.

Choosing Three-headed Snake on upward dial.
Right Dial Location -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The second triangle has a Sad Spider symbol and a Hydra symbol for 5 and 9 respectively.

The equation becomes 17-(5+9) which gives 3 which is the symbol for Three-headed Snake. Adjust the dial on the upward dial accordingly.


Opening Central Hall Symbol Door chest.
Central Hall Symbol Door chest -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The rewards for this door are,

  • Mannequins.
  • Black Leather Gloves.

Central Hall Rafters


  1. This door is also located in the Library Annex area.
  2. Fast travel to the Divination Classroom floo flame.
  3. You’ll see 2 to 3 stairs leading to the rafters. go straight and take the first right. You’ll see the symbol door.


Facing Symbol Door in Library Rafters.
Central Hall Rafters Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle in this door has 9 and the second has 4 in the middle.

Symbol Door solution.
Symbol Door solution -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle also has a Three-headed snake which is for 3. So, equation, 9-(2+3) gives 4 which is the symbol for Weird Owl.

Set the dial on the left accordingly.

The equation for the second triangle gives 3 which is for Three-headed Snake. So, set the right dial accordingly. After you have unlocked the door, you can easily head to Arithmancy Classroom.


The rewards for this symbol door are,

  • House Wall Banners.

Arithmancy Classroom Symbol Door 1


  1. After you unlock the symbol door in Central Hall rafters, head inside and the corridor will lead you to Arithmancy Classroom.
  2. You’ll find a door on the left as you enter the classroom.


Left door solution in Arithmancy class.
Door 1 solution in Arithmancy Class -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle on this symbol door shows 15 and the second triangle shows 18 in the middle.

The first triangle has a Lizard and a Sad Spider on it which is for 6 and 5 respectively. So, equation 15-(6+5) gives 4 which is the symbol for Weird Owl. Set the left dial accordingly.

The second triangle has a Furry Creature which is for 0. Equation 18-(13+0) gives 5 which is for Sad Spider. Set the right dial accordingly.


Opening Chests in Arithmancy Classroom.
Arithmancy Class door 1 rewards -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The rewards for this door are,

  • Giant Purple Toad Statue.
  • Embroidered Formal Uniform.

Arithmancy Classroom Symbol Door 2


This door is on the right side of the Arithmancy Classroom.


Right Door solution in Arithmancy Classroom.
Arithmancy Classroom Door 2 Solution -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle on this symbol door has 17 and the second has 8 in the middle.

Since this triangle has a Sad Spider, the equation will be, 17-(6+5), which gives 6, the symbol for Lizard. So, set the left dial accordingly.

The second triangle has a One-eyed Squid which is the symbol for 7. The equation 8-(0+7) gives 1 which is the number for Unicorn. So set the right dial accordingly.


Right Door rewards.
Arithmancy Classroom Door 2 reward -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The rewards for this chest are,

  • Gardener’s Robes.
  • Sleek Duelling Gloves.

Long Gallery Symbol Door


  1. This door is also located in the Library Annex area.
  2. Fast travel to the Potions Classroom floo flame.
  3. Enter the doors and go left from here.
  4. You’ll reach a level one locked door.
  5. Cast the Alohomora spell to unlock and head straight into the Long Gallery until you reach an open area and see a symbol door in the corner of that area.


Facing Long Gallery Symbol Door.
Long Gallery Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle on this symbol door has 22 and the second triangle has 9 in the middle.

Choosing strange goat on left side.
Left Dial Long Gallery Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle also has a Spider which is for 8. Equation 22-(12+8) gives 0 which is for Strange Goat. So, set the left dial accordingly.

Choosing Unicorn on right dial.
Right Dial of Long Gallery Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The second triangle has a One-eyed Squid which is for 7 and a Unicorn which is for 1. Equation 9-(1+7) gives 1 which is the number associated with Unicorn. Select Unicorn on the right dial.


Long Gallery Rewards.
Long Gallery Rewards -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

This symbol door has the following rewards behind it,

  • A painting that yields field guide pages on casting Revelio on it.
  • Unidentified Collectible.
  • Forest Rivet Gloves.

Faculty Tower Symbol Door


  1. This door is in the Faculty Tower that you unlock after doing Professor Moon’s Quest so make sure to do it before attempting to open this door.
  2. Enter the Faculty Tower and go to the first floor.
  3. You need to use Disillusionment Charm to get past the person on the first floor. You’ll find a symbol door there.
Sneaking Near Faculty Tower Symbol Door
Sneaking Near Faculty Tower Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.


The first triangle on this door will have 13 and the second triangle will have 11 in the middle.

The first triangle has a Spider on it which means the equation 13-(8+5) gives 0 which is the symbol for Furry Creature. So, set the left dial accordingly.

The second triangle has a Strange Goat on it which makes the equation 14-(3+2) which gives 9. This is the number for Hydra. Set the right dial accordingly.


The rewards of this symbol door are,

  • Shelf collectible.
  • Elegant House Cloak.

Grand Staircase Symbol Door


  1. This door is in the Grand Staircase area.
  2. Fast travel to the Grand Staircase Tower floo flame and head down. You won’t see stairs there.
  3. Don’t worry. As you walk towards them they’ll appear.
  4. As you reach down, you’ll see a symbol door. The first dial for this door will be near the stairs and the second one will be on the tower in the middle.


Facing Grand Staircase Symbol Door
Grand Staircase Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle has 23 and the second has 19 in the middle.

Choosing lizard on left dial.
Right Dial of Grand Staircase Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle has a Strange Goat symbol which makes the equation 23-(15+2) which gives 6. This is the number for Lizard so set the dial on the stairs accordingly.

Choosing One-eyed squid on second dial.
Dial in front of Grand Staircase Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The second triangle has a Three-headed snake(symbol for 3) and a Hydra(symbol for 9). Equation 19-(3+9) gives 7 which is the number for One-eyed Squid. So set the dial on the tower accordingly.


Opening chests behind the symbol door.
Grand Staircase Symbol Door rewards -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

This door has the following rewards,

  • Dwellings.
  • Teal Pelmette Scarf.

House Hourglasses Symbol Door


  1. This symbol door can also be found in the Grand Staircase area.
  2. Fast travel to Grand Staircase floo flame and they go straight up the stairs.
  3. Turn around the statue and go a few steps up again.
  4. You’ll find a symbol door on your left. One of the dials will be on the right side of the door and the other dial will be on the floor below near the floo flame.


Facing Hourglasses Symbol Door.
House Hourglasses Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle on this door has 6 and the second triangle has 11 in the middle.

Choosing furry creature on left dial.
Left Dial -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle has Strange Goat which is for 2. Equation 6-(2+4) gives 0 which is the number associated with Furry Creature. So set the dial on the right accordingly.

Choosing sad spider on downward dial.
Downward Dial -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The equation 11-(5+1) on the second triangle gives 5 which is the number for Sad Spider. So set the dial near the floo flame accordingly.


Opening Chests in house hourglasses symbol door.
House Hourglasses Symbol Door rewards -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The rewards of this symbol door are,

  • Large Decorated Tables.
  • Indigo Sorcerer Hat.

Ravenclaw Tower Symbol Door


  1. This is the third symbol door in the Grand Staircase area.
  2. Fast travel to the Ravenclaw Tower floo flame.
  3. Go down the corridor. You’ll find the door on your right as soon as the corridor ends.
  4. As you face the door, one dial will be behind you and the other will be on your right.


Facing symbol door in Ravenclaw Tower.
Ravenclaw Tower Symbol Door -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle on this door has 13 in the middle and the second triangle has 21 in the middle.

Choosing weird owl on left dial.
Left Dial -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The first triangle also has a spider which is for 8. Equation 13-(1+8) gives 4 which is for Weird Owl. So set the dial behind you accordingly.

Choosing sad spider on right dial.
Right Dial -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The second triangle has a Three-headed Snake symbol which is for 3. Equation 21-(13+3) gives 5 which is the number for Sad Spider. Set the dial on your right accordingly.


Opening chests in ravenclaw tower symbol door.
Ravenclaw Tower Symbol Door rewards -Source: VeryAli Gaming.

The rewards of this door are,

  • One or Two Rules Play cards.
  • Competitive School Robe.

Are Symbol Doors Worth It?

Considering the payouts of rewards for each puzzle, yes. In my opinion, these are worth the trouble as the offerings of rewards are prominent. Still, I will advise you to go at your own pace and complete what is accessible at the start. Apart from that, these symbols are not very difficult and can be solved easily with right steps. 

If you have more queries, share with me in the comments section below, so I can answer them for you. 

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