According to the Co-Founder of 5 Lives Studios, Cozy Caravan was heavily inspired by developers' daily interests in real life.
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Developers of Still Joking acknowledge the criticism on sound design and are working on an upcoming sound overhaul update.
According to developer, the game combines the lore of Cthulhu arrival in Japan with combat style inspiration from One Finger Death Punch.
According to the game director, Astore: Blade of the Monolith went through multiple pitch decks, and feedback to settle for a publisher.
Interview: Morels: The Hunt 2 Was Inspired By Real Life Experience Of Developers In Mushroom Hunting
While an upgrade to original game, Morels: The Hunt 2 was designed by real-life experience of mushroom hunting by developers.
According to the solo developer, TWISTEX was originally planned as a VR only game until the developer added a spectator view for PC.