Lords of the Fallen: 5 Best Armors And Locations

Lords of the Fallen has a plethora of Armor Sets to chose from but which one will choose your playstyle the best? Let's find out in this guide.

Lords Of The Fallen: Best Armor

Lords of the Fallen has 80 different Armor Sets. These are further subdivided into pieces with their respective types. Below, I will list my picks of the best armor sets for you to choose easily for your play style. 

Key Takeaways

  • Armor Sets are divided into Light, Medium, and Heavy armor pieces.
  • Each piece of armor has stats like Phy, Holy, Fire, and Wither Damage Mitigation, as well as Smite, Bleed, Burn, Ignite, Frostbite, and Poison Resistances.
  • Pay special attention to the Weight of each piece/set to pick the Best Armor in Lords of the Fallen.

Best Armors Comparison Table

Following is a comparison table of the best Armors. Each stat can be sorted to view the highest and lowest values, which has been done for your convenience:

top 5 best armors in lords of the fallen
Best Armors Choice (Captured by Us)

Set NameAwarded forPhyHolyFireWitherSmiteBleedBurnIgniteFrostbitePoisonWeight
Blackfeather Ranger SetBest Armor Set for Agile Builds.14322222221913823016113814524435.4
Cursed SetBest Armor Set for Enduring Physical & Wither Assaults.56021620941710114914910127025675.2
Pieta's SetBest Armor Set for Strong Holy Damage.376462168243237297686011812657.6
Lightreaper's SetBest Armor Set for Max Defense.43989479233596729330315014159.1
Tancred's SetBest Armor Set for Absolute Defense against Physical & Fire Attacks.779164363258647322720813312481.2

Comparison Table. 

1. Blackfeather Ranger Set

Best Armor Set for Agile Builds.

Why did I Choose the Blackfeather Ranger Set?

I chose the Blackfeather Ranger Set for its excellent balance between protection and agility. It’s perfect for players who want to stay mobile without sacrificing too much defense.

I recommend The Blackfeather Ranger Set as it is a relatively Light armor set versatile for various situations. This Armor Set is also very easy to find during the early game, so it is recommended to find this Armor Set as early as possible.

Blackfeather Ranger Hat

Type Light Head
Weight 4.1
Location Default equipment for the Blackfeather Ranger class.

Available for purchase from Thehk-Ihir after locating and conversing with him near the Vestige of the Pale Butcher in Shuja Hamlet, Forsaken Fen.

Blackfeather Ranger Armour

Type Light Torso
Weight 16.3
Location Default equipment for the Blackfeather Ranger class.

You can also acquire this from Thehk-Ihir by locating and conversing with him near the Vestige of the Pale Butcher in the Shuja Hamlet of Forsaken Fen.

Blackfeather Ranger Gloves

Description Leather gloves worn by the Blackfeather Rangers of Kinrangr. Although the fief was under the Mournstead military’s protection, the Kinrangr citizens always preferred to rely on themselves, and none knew how to hunt and fight in their woods and valleys better than the Blackfeather Rangers.
Type Light Arm
Weight 3.7
Location Default equipment for the Blackfeather Ranger class.

You can acquire it there similarly after locating and conversing with Thehk-Ihir near the Vestige of the Pale Butcher in Shuja Hamlet.

Blackfeather Ranger Trousers

Description Trousers worn by the Blackfeather Rangers of Kinrangr. Although the fief was under the Mournstead military’s protection, the Kinrangr citizens always preferred to rely on themselves, and none knew how to hunt and fight in their woods and valleys better than the Blackfeather Rangers.
Type Medium Legs
Weight 11.3
Location Default equipment for the Blackfeather Ranger class.Available for purchase from Thehk-Ihir, who can be found and spoken to near the Vestige of the Pale Butcher in the Shuja Hamlet of Forsaken Fen.
  • Versatile.
  • Balanced resistances.
  • Lightweight for agility.
  • Not the highest protection in any specific area.

2. Cursed Set

Best Armor Set for Enduring Physical & Wither Assaults.

Why did I Choose the Cursed Set?

I chose the Cursed Set for its focus on physical damage mitigation. If you’re facing enemies that hit hard, but lack a lot of elemental attacks, this is a great choice.

This is a set suited to deal with Physical and Wither damage. It is a Heavy Armor Set but is still lighter than the heaviest options like the Tancred’s Set. I like to roam around a lot so being able to move freely with lightweight armor is a blessing.

Cursed Helm

Type Heavy Head
Weight 10.4
Location Proceed across the Bone Bridge, past the Umbral Tumor at Manse of the Hallowed Brothers. Ascend the stairs to encounter a Bringer of Stillness and several Remnants. The Bringer of Stillness may yield a Regular Deralium Nugget, a Vestige Seed, and Dimexus upon defeating them. The Umbral Belly, when Soulflayed, drops the Cursed Set.

Cursed Armour

Type Heavy Torso
Weight 39.3
Location Cross the Bone Bridge at Manse of the Hallowed Brothers. After encountering it, pass the Umbral Tumor and ascend the stairs to the summit. Face a Bringer of Stillness and several Remnants. The Bringer of Stillness may yield a Regular Deralium Nugget, a Vestige Seed, and Dimexus upon victory. Defeat the Umbral Belly to obtain the Cursed Set when Soulflayed.

Cursed Gauntlets

Description Gauntlets are warped by some kind of pernicious mystical curse.
Type Heavy Arm
Weight 10.3
Location Cross the Bone Bridge after passing the Umbral Tumor at the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers, ascend the stairs, and confront a Bringer of Stillness along with several Remnants. The Bringer of Stillness may yield a Regular Deralium Nugget, a Vestige Seed, and Dimexus upon defeating them. Soulflaying the Umbral Belly will result in the drop of the Cursed Set.

Cursed Leggings

Type Heavy Legs
Weight 15.2
Location At Manse of the Hallowed Brothers, cross the Bone Bridge and defeat the Bringer of Stillness and Remnants atop the stairs after passing the Umbral Tumor. The Bringer of Stillness might drop a Regular Deralium Nugget, a Vestige Seed, and Dimexus. The Cursed Set is obtainable from the Umbral Belly when Soulflayed.
  • Excellent physical & wither defense.
  • Solid weight-to-protection ratio
  • Lower resistances to elemental damage.

3. Pieta’s Set

Best Armor Set for Strong Holy Damage.

Why did I Choose Pieta’s Set?

I chose Pieta’s Set for its strong holy resistance and balanced approach. It’s a solid choice when facing enemies that use a lot of holy-based attacks.

If you are looking for a Medium Armor Set that offers good Holy resistance, look no further than Pieta’s Set. It also offers decent damage mitigation against Physical attacks and increases your survivability in many difficult situations.

Pieta’s Helm

Type Medium Head
Weight 7.8
Location Defeat Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal, at Skyrest Bridge and Soulflay her Stigma to obtain the Remembrance of Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal. Now, you can purchase it from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge.

Pieta’s Armour

Type Medium Torso
Weight 25.4
Location Buy it from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge after getting Remembrance of Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal through beating Pieta.

Pieta’s Sleeves

Description Sleeves of Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal. Battered and stained, but enduring still.
Type Medium Arm
Weight 7.4
Location Purchase it from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge after acquiring the Remembrance of Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal, by defeating Pieta.

Pieta’s Leggings

Description Leggings of Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal. Battered and stained, but enduring still.
Type Heavy Legs
Weight 17
Location Molhu at Skyrest Bridge offers this item for purchase, but you must first obtain the Remembrance of Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal, by beating Pieta She of Blessed Renewal.
  • High holy resistance.
  • Decent physical defense.
  • Good overall balance.
  • Not the absolute best in any one category.

4. Lightreaper’s Set

Best Armor Set for Max Defense.

Why did I Choose Lightreaper’s Set?

I chose the Lightreaper’s Set for its potent frost resistance and balanced physical protection. It’s the go-to when venturing into areas where frost damage is prevalent.

This set is particularly suited for Physical and Frost damage. It is still comparatively Light so that you can have more agility than the Tancred’s Set.

Lightreaper’s Helm

Type Medium Head
Weight 7.4
Location Defeat the Lightreaper at either Defiled Sepulchre, Fitzroys Gorge, or Upper Calrath and Soulflay his Stigma for Remembrance of the Lightreaper. Now, you can buy it from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge.

Lightreaper’s Armour

Type Medium Torso
Weight 24.4
Location Vanquish the Lightreaper at Defiled Sepulchre, Fitzroys Gorge, or Upper Calrath, and Soulflay his Stigma to acquire the Remembrance of the Lightreaper. Subsequently, it is available for purchase from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge.

Lightreaper’s Gauntlets

Description Gauntlets of the fearsome Rhogar known as the Lightreaper, hunter of lampbearers.
Type Heavy Arm
Weight 8.1
Location Beat the Lightreaper at Defiled Sepulchre, Fitzroys Gorge, or Upper Calrath, and Soulflay his Stigma to obtain the Remembrance of the Lightreaperwhich lets you acquire it from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge.

Lightreaper’s Leggings

Description Leggings are worn by the fearsome Rhogar known as the Lightreaper, hunter of lampbearers.
Type Heavy Legs
Weight 19.2
Location To obtain it from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge, you must first possess the Remembrance of the Lightreaper by defeating the Lightreaper at Defiled Sepulchre, Fitzroys Gorge, or Upper Calrath.
  • Exceptional frost resistance.
  • Strong physical defense.
  • Lower holy and fire resistances.

5. Tancred’s Set

Best Armor Set for Absolute Defense against Physical & Fire Attacks.

Why did I Choose Tancred’s Set?

I chose the Tancred’s Set armor for its unmatched physical and fire defense. When facing brutal enemies with slow, heavy attacks, this set will keep you standing.

Tancred is the heaviest set in Lords of the Fallen but provides the most damage mitigation against Physical attacks. It is also really strong against Fire damage. Keep the Weight in mind while donning this. I recommend looking into Tancred’s Set for those who like a tanky build.

Tancred’s Helm

Type Heavy Head
Weight 11.2
Location Defeat Tancred Master of Castigations and Reinhold the Immured at the Tower of Penance, and Soulflay the boss Stigma to obtain Remembrance of Tancred Master of Castigations and Reinhold the Immured. Now, Molhu will sell it to you at Skyrest Bridge.

Tancred’s Armour

Type Heavy Torso
Weight 40.9
Location Beat Tancred, Master of Castigations, and Reinhold the Immured at the Tower of Penance. Soulflay the Stigma of the bosses to acquire Remembrance of Tancred Master of Castigations and Reinhold the Immured. Afterward, you can purchase it from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge.

Tancred’s Gauntlets

Description Gauntlets of Tancred, Master of Castigations.
Type Heavy Arm
Weight 10.6
Location To buy it from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge, you need the Remembrance of Tancred, Master of Castigations and Reinhold the Immured, which can be obtained by defeating Tancred, Master of Castigations, and Reinhold the Immured at the Tower of Penance.

Tancred’s Leggings

Description Leggings of Tancred, Master of Castigations.
Type Heavy Legs
Weight 18.5
Location Acquire the Remembrance of Tancred Master of Castigations and Reinhold the Immured by defeating them at the Tower of Penance, and then you can purchase it from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge.
  • Highest physical and fire defense.
  • Unyielding protection.
  • Heaviest set.
  • Low agility.
  • Weak against some elemental damage.

Why Others Were Not Chosen?

  • Hallowed Knight Set (Heavy):  Offers strong Physical protection and good Burn resistance, but lacks specializations that would make it a top choice for specific builds.
  • Orian Preacher Set (Medium): This set provides excellent Holy resistance but doesn’t excel at a single type of physical damage mitigation. It is not chosen for its less universally focused stats.
  • Antique Hallowed Sentinel Set (Heavy): Great for physical and Holy protection, but its incredibly high Weight makes it less desirable for players who prefer agility.

My Few Bits On Armor Sets In Lords of the Fallen

My playstyle is very agile. As a result, I am personally biased toward Light Armor Sets like Pieta’s Set. They offer the best balance between protection and agility for me.

But you cannot ignore the importance of the heavier sets we talked about, like the Tancred’s Set, even if they felt too cumbersome and slow to me. They offer the most protection against all attacks in Lords of the Fallen. Pair them with your favorite weapons to have the build of your dreams.

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