Remnant 2 Change Archetype [Engrams Guide]

This guide will cover all you need to know to Change your Archetype in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 Change Archetype

Archetypes are the typical classes you can get the option to choose when playing the game. However, it is possible to change your Archetype in Remnant 2 later in the game, and this guide will cover how to do that.

Important Read: Remnant 2 Best Archetype

Key Takeaways

  • There are 9 Archetypes in Remnant 2, each with their corresponding Engram.
  • Engrams are unique items with special slots that you swap out to change archetypes in Remnant 2.
  • Engrams are the items that level up when you kill enemies and defeat bosses. Changing Engrams will make you start from level 1 for the corresponding Archetype.
  • It is possible to equip 2 engrams and run 2 archetypes later in the game.
  • Equipping 2 engrams has downfalls like slower leveling up and no prime perks for the secondary Archetype.

Changing Engrams

Remnant 2 Change Archetype
Wallace in Ward 13 (Captured by Us)

  • When you start the game, you won’t have any Engram until you meet Wallace in Ward 13, who will present you with the option to choose from the Challenger, Handler, Medic, and Hunter archetypes.
  • Picking one of these will put the corresponding Engram in your inventory. You can see it in the Archetype menu when you hover over it.

  • If you get another Engram, you can swap out your current Engram for the new one, changing your current Archetype into the other corresponding Archetype.
  • Do keep in mind this resets your level-up progress, and it may not be a wise idea to immediately go into the next stage in the game with an under-leveled Engram.

Using Engrams

Iron Cylinder Engram for the Gunslinger Archetype (Captured by Us)

There is a particular slot in your inventory for unique items called Engrams. These Engrams are the key to using classes or Archetypes in Remnant 2.

These items level up when you kill bosses and other enemies. Equipping different or multiple Engrams is the way to change archetypes, as we will see later in this guide.

Here is a list of all 9 Engrams and their respective archetypes.

1Golden CompassExplorer
2Iron CylinderGunslinger
3Drzyr CaliperEngineer
4Steel EnswellChallenger
5Tome of The BringerSummoner
6Sniper War MedalHunter
7Philosopher's StoneAlchemist
8Silent WhistleHandler
9Caduceus IdolMedic

Running Dual Archetypes

Later in the game, you will unlock a secondary engram slot to equip 2 engrams simultaneously. Remember that this means your EXP will be shared between the 2 engrams, the primary and the secondary.

Each Engram will level up slower. Moreover, the secondary Engram will not benefit from a Prime Perk, unlike the Primary Engram.

What Would I Recommend?

Despite all these setbacks, I recommend equipping 2 different Engrams because of their versatility during combat. Take a situation where a horde of enemies attacks you, and you have no items to heal. Having the Medic Engram equipped would be instrumental in this case.

That should cover everything you need to know about changing your Archetype. Take a look at our other Remnant 2 guides below.

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