Star Wars Jedi Survivor: All Outfits Locations

Looking for stylish outfits for Cal? Here is a list of all outfits available in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor along with their materials.

All Outfits in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
A list of all outfits in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Though it might have lacked in other areas, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor definitely did not fail when it comes to outfits. The abundance of outfits, which include Jackets, Shirts, and Pants, and the customization options each of them contains are plentiful. Finding these outfits itself is a fun activity full of exploration.

Continue reading for a list of all outfits in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, along with their locations.

Key Takeaways

  • There are multiple outfits available in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor that players can equip and customize.
  • These outfits contain 22 Jackets, 12 Shirts, and 13 Pants in total. Each of them comes with six outfit materials (colors).
  • You can obtain some outfits from pre-ordering, some from the Deluxe Edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, a few from Doma’s Outpost Commodities store, and most from chests lying throughout the galaxies.
  • The outfits do not contain additional attributes or powers when equipped; they are purely cosmetics.
  • The outfit materials are usually inside another chest than the outfit itself.

Here is a summary table for all Star Wars Jedi Survivor Outfits alongside their locations and prices:

There are a total of 47 wearable outfits in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, each with its own unique look. Continue reading to find out each of their locations.


There are a total of 22 Jackets available for Cal in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor; they are:


Bandolier Jacket Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Outfits
Bandolier Jacket – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
  • In-game Description: A simple bandolier with a protective pauldron. Designed to hold additional blaster charges for ease of reloading.
  • Location: You can purchase Bandolier Jacket from Doma’s shop located in Koboh. Bandolier Jacket price is 4 Priorite Shards.


    Frontier Jacket Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Outfits
    Frontier Jacket – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
    • In-game Description: Functional, defensible hinterland leathers, tanned by the merciless Outer rim.
    • Location: The Frontier Jacket is purchasable from Doma’s shop in Koboh. Spend 5 Priorite Shards in order to buy it.


      Star Wars Jedi Survivor Corsair Jacket
      Corsair Jacket – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
      • In-game Description: Replete with shearling cuffs and collar to resist inhospitable climes and unauthorized activities.
      • Location: You can buy Corsair Jacket from Doma’s Outpost Commodities store. The jacket comes for 6 Priorite Shards.


        • In-game Description: Favored by climbers and alpinists on many planets for its ability to effectively regulate body temperature as needed.
        • Location: Mountaineer Jacket is received from a Chest. The chest is available in the Untamed Downs. Enter the Bilemaw Cave from Harvest Ridge; you’ll have to climb up from there through vines on a pillar. Once you meet Garra, you will eventually obtain the Chest she is sitting on. That chest contains Mountaineer Jacket.


          • In-game Description: Robes that carry the weight of a fallen era, and a survivor’s grief.
          • Location: You can only obtain a Hermit outfit if you pre-ordered Star Wars Jedi: Survivors. The outfit comes alongside a Hermit Lightsaber.


            • In-game Description: Frequently worn by adrenalin-seeking pilots and rogues. Well-made, but more form than function.
            • Location: Bomber Jacket is at Hunter’s Quarry. There is a cave up the slope filled with Gorgers. Continue the cave’s path, and you’ll run across a chest containing Bomber Jacket.


              • In-game Description: Hand-made, naturally sourced layers of protection, preserving a unique sense of identity.
              • Location: You can locate Hunter Jacket in Hunter Quarry. Head up the structure of rocks in the middle. You’ll notice a chest, but you must defeat a Gorocco monster beforehand in order to collect the chest with Hunter Jacket inside.


                • In-game Description: The simple unadorned robes of a Jedi. Steeped in millennia of history.
                • Location: The Jedi Jacket is on the moon Jedha. Here, travel to Trailhead Pantheon. The Outfit is inside a chest there.


                  Survivor Jacket Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Outfits
                  Survivor Jacket – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                  • In-game Description: Sturdy, pragmatic, and enduring, this sleeveless jacket became Cal’s fast favorite.
                  • Location: You will obtain Survivor Outfit by default, along with Survivor Pants and Shirt.


                    Star Wars Jedi Survivor Outrider Jacket
                    Outrider Jacket – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                    • In-game Description: A salvaged ad-hoc style favored by the gangs of Coronet City on Corellia.
                    • Location: You can purchase Outrider Outfit from Doma’s Outpost Commodities Shop located in Koboh. You need to pay 4 Priorite Shards in order to make the purchase.


                      • In-game Description: The pre-eminent thermal garment, famed for its function and style from the Outer Rim to the Deep Core.
                      • Location: The Poncho Outfit is inside a chest located in Fort Kah’lin. While progressing through the storyline, you’ll defeat the boss Spawn of Oggdo. You’ll unlock the chest available in the arena after defeating the boss.


                        • In-game Description: The still proud, but hastily modified, garb of one who once had, and then, lost everything.
                        • Location: The chest containing Exile Jacket is in Fogged Expanse of Koboh. It’ll be inside a cave nearby the Meditation Point of the area.


                          • In-game Description: The breastplate and pauldrons of a high-ranking warrior, whose name and battles are lost to time.
                          • Location: The Commander Jacket is in Arid Flats on Jedha. You can find the chest containing Commander Jacket by traveling left from the Meditation Point. You’ll run across a raised rocky platform, climb up there, and the chest is right in front.

                            Rebel Hero

                            • In-game Description: A bold statement for those who make bold decisions for the good of the galaxy.
                            • Location: The only way to obtain Rebel Hero Jacket is by purchasing the Deluxe Edition.


                              • In-game Description: The jacket hems tightly at the waist and cuffs to keep everything contained. Especially useful in cramped cockpits.
                              • Location: In order to obtain Pilot Jacket, head to Rambler’s Reach Outpost in Koboh. Play the mini-game of Holotactics against Greez and defeat him to claim Pilot Jacket as a reward.

                                No Jacket

                                • In-game Description: Unencumbered by layers of additional – arguably extraneous – fabric.
                                • Location: Equipped by default.
                                • Design: A plain white jacket with rolled-up sleeves.


                                • In-game Description: An unpretentious garb for one who trudges the land in search of a worthy opponent.
                                • Location: You can only obtain the Duelist Jacket after recruiting T-1N8 in Rambler’s Reach Outpost. You need to interact with it and enter a building. Once inside, look around for a chest that contains Duelist Jacket.


                                  • In-game Description: The undeniably dignified attire of someone who insists on fitting in, no matter where they roam.
                                  • Location: The chest with Drifter Outfit is in Viscid Bog, located in Koboh. You can find the chest sitting on a small land in a swamp next to a dead tree.


                                    Scrapper Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Outfits
                                    Scrapper Jacket – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                    • In-game Description: Cal’s de-facto uniform from his days on Bracca, fitted with myriad loops and buckles for scaling once-mighty warships.
                                    • Location: The chest with Scrapper Outfit is located at Phyloon’s Saloon on Koboh. It is right behind a Meditation Point in the Phyloon’s Saloon basement.


                                      • In-game Description: A modest but striking jacket, preferred by stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herders.
                                      • Location: You can obtain the Scoundrel Outfit by purchasing the Deluxe Edition. You’ll be rewarded the entire Scoundrel Outfit in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, which includes pants and a short too.


                                        Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Outfits
                                        Tactical Jacket – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                        • In-game Description: Layers of padding provide protection, while also finding space for a touch of style.
                                        • Location: The Tactical Jacket is inside Derelict Dam in Koboh. There is a tunnel area around the Raider; head inside that tunnel and look out for a chest containing Tactical Jacket.


                                          Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Outfits
                                          Wanderer Jacket – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                          • In-game Description: Durable weather-ready garb for those who need to be prepared to face the unknown.
                                          • Location: You can find Wanderer Jacket in Bygone Settlement located in Koboh. You may need to perform a lot of climbing and jumping as the chest is on the platform against the Meditation Point.


                                            You can obtain and wear 12 shirts as an outfit in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

                                            Training Shirt

                                            Training Shirt
                                            Training Shirt – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                            • In-game Description: “We will begin with physical preparation.” – Jaro Tapal
                                            • Location: The Training Shirt is a purchasable attire. You can buy it for 3 Priorite Shards from Doma’s Shop located in Rambler’s Reach Outpost in Koboh.


                                              Commander Shirt Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Outfits
                                              Commander Shirt – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                              • In-game Description: A military-grade undershirt, ribbed, and reinforced for increased trauma resistance.
                                              • Location: The Commander Shirt is available for purchase in Doma’s Outpost Commodities. The shop is located in Rambler’s Reach Outpost of Koboh.


                                                • In-game Description: A close-fitting under jacket, and flight gloves. Worn by the flight crew of all backgrounds, from snub fighters to passenger liners.
                                                • Location: The chest with Bomber Shirt is inside a garage in Fort Kah’lin of Koboh. Keep walking toward a droid ship till you locate a garage containing the chest.


                                                  • In-game Description: Similar pieces are found in bazaars galaxy-wide. Woven from thick material, for added insulation.
                                                  • Location: You can find the Wanderer Shirt in the Monastery Walls of Jedha. Head Northwest from the meditation point toward the ruins. The Wanderer Shirt chest is on the upper platform of the ruined building. Walk over a beam and obtain the chest found on the other side.


                                                    Frontier Shirt
                                                    Frontier Shirt – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                                    • In-game Description: Well-worn worker’s undershirt and padded bracers are made for those who toil under relentless suns.
                                                    • Location: You can buy the Frontier Shirt from Doma’s Outpost Commodities for 3 Priorite Shards.


                                                      Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Outfits
                                                      Outrider Shirt – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                                      • In-game Description: Standard military undershirt, with plated gloves. Salvaged or bartered from Clone War veterans.
                                                      • Location: The Outrider Shirt is available at Doma’s Outpost Commodities shop located in Rambler’s Reach Outpost. It can be purchased for 4 Priorite Shards.

                                                        Rebel Hero

                                                        • In-game Description: Stylish and finely-made, this is the shirt of someone with a reason to celebrate.
                                                        • Location: You unlock Rebel Hero Shirt as a reward for purchasing the Deluxe Edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.


                                                          Hunter Shirt
                                                          Hunter Shirt – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                                          • In-game Description: A functional shirt, adorned with totems and trophies won from untold hunts.
                                                          • Location: The Hunter Shirt is inside a chest located in Basalt Rift. Travel from the meditation point and cross a destroyed bridge. Enter a cave on your way and climb down a huge hole in the cave. The chest is inside a platform inside the wall of that pit.


                                                            • In-game Description: It is not uncommon to see endless variations of this high-collared in cantinas and drinking holes across the galaxy.
                                                            • Location: You can obtain the Scoundrel Shirt as a cosmetic if you purchased the Deluxe Edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.


                                                              Scrapper Shirt
                                                              Scrapper Shirt – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                                              • In-game Description: Regulation shirt of the Bracca-based Scrapper Guild. Adorned with the Guild Insignia on the left shoulder.
                                                              • Location: The Scrapper Shirt is in Phyloon’s Saloon basement in Koboh. It is inside the same chest as Scrapper Jacket.


                                                                Tactical Shirt
                                                                Tactical Shirt – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                                                • In-game Description: A forearm bracer, as well as an additional undervest, eke out every last opportunity for defense.
                                                                • Location: The Tactical Shirt is inside a chest. You can find it at Swindler’s Wash in Koboh, on a slope across the bridge.


                                                                  Survivor Shirt Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Outfits
                                                                  Survivor Shirt – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                                                  • In-game Description: Cal’s go-to undershirt. Uncomplicated and effective.
                                                                  • Location: Survivor Shirt is a default undershirt that Cal has obtained since the start.


                                                                    Just like jackets and shirts, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor offers quite a handful of pants. You can obtain and equip 13 Pants throughout the game.


                                                                    • In-game Description: Tired and utilitarian, this apparel calls back to a more civilized age.
                                                                    • Location: You can obtain the Hermit Pant only if you pre-ordered Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. It comes alongside a Hermit Jacket and a Hermit Lightsaber. You also unlock the additional Hermit Outfit material by the purchase, which includes pants colors such as green, blue, and black.


                                                                    Frontier Pants
                                                                    Frontier Pants – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                                                    • In-game Description: Durable twill-woven pants, covered by leather chaps. Popular on the Outer Rim for their resistance to tough conditions.
                                                                    • Location: You can purchase Frontier Pants from Doma’s Outpost Commodities for 5 Priorite Shards. The shop is located in Rambler’s Reach Outpost in Koboh. Some available color variations for Frontier Pants are white/grey, blue/grey, black/yellow, and red/black. You’ll unlock these colors with the purchase.


                                                                    • In-game Description: Smart but unassuming boots and equally unobtrusive pants. Favored by pilots who are keen to leave the safety of the cockpit.
                                                                    • Location: For Bomber Pants, go to Mountain Ascent in Koboh. Drop down the platform near the meditation point; you’ll find the chest in a bushy area. The Bomber Pants outfit material is located at Rambler’s Reach Outpost in Koboh. The chest is behind a locked door located under the landing area. The only way you can open that door is after unlocking the Lift and Slam ability in Chapter 4.


                                                                    Hunter Pants
                                                                    Hunter Pants – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                                                    • In-game Description: What these simple boots and fabric pants lack in “accepted” fashion, they make up in durability and practical style.
                                                                    • Location: The chest containing Hunter Pants is at Basalt Rift in Koboh. Head straight from the meditation point and walk across a bridge. Continue following the path till you run in Bilemaw guarding an area. Once you take Bilemaw down, open the chest containing Hunter Pants in that area. The available materials for Hunter Pants include colors such as green, blue, brown, and black. You can find the Hunter Pants outfit material at Forest Array in Koboh on a building Northwest of the meditation point. The chest is sitting next to the railings area.


                                                                    Outrider Pants – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                                                    • In-game Description: Scavenged and stolen Clone Trooper armor is popular with outlaws and gangs galaxy-wide, although it only comes in one size.
                                                                    • Location: You can purchase Outrider Pants from Doma’s Outpost Commodities store in Rambler’s Reach Outpost. They’re available for 4 Priorite Shards. The Outrider Pants material comes in colors such as blue, green, and brown. You’ll unlock them during the Outrider Pants’ purchase.


                                                                    Survivor Pants – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
                                                                    • In-game Description: Somewhat rough and ready. Cal’s pants and boots have held together admirably through countless escapades.
                                                                    • Location: The Survivor Pants are Cal’s default pants, along with Survivor Shirt and Jacket. Other Survivor Pants color variations are red, blue, green, and white.


                                                                    • In-game Description: High, well-shined boots fit over formal, side-striped trousers, for those who insist on style, even in a crisis.
                                                                    • Location: The Scoundrel Pants are only accessible if you purchased the Deluxe Edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. You can try out other outfit materials of Scoundrel Pants; they include the colors green, blue, yellow, orange, and grey. They’ll be unlocked in the Deluxe Edition purchase as well.


                                                                    • In-game Description: Similar pieces are found in bazaars galaxy-wide. Woven from thick material, for added insulation.
                                                                    • Location: The Wanderer Pants are ready to be collected at Harvest Ridge in Koboh. The chest is on a raised platform near the Stables. You can climb up by using a Nekko. Now make your way all the way up to the highest edge. The chest containing Wanderer Pants is on there. You can obtain its outfit material at the Ancient Ruins of Monastery Walls in Jedha. Unlock the Dash Ability before you go on collecting this chest. You’ll obtain new Pants colors, which include blue, grey, green, and brown.


                                                                    • In-game Description: Padded pants and tightly-cuffed boots place function above all.
                                                                    • Location: The Tactical Pants chest is in Smuggler’s Tunnels located nearby Phyloon’s Saloon. You need to dive into the lake underground in order to find the chest. The Pants’ outfit material includes the colors green, brown, red, and blue. You can find the outfit material chest at Swindler’s Wash located in Koboh.


                                                                    • In-game Description: The hardy gear of Scrapper Guild rigger, replete with reinforced knee pads, and deep pockets for equipment.
                                                                    • Location: The chest containing Scrapper Pants is inside the Phyloon’s Saloon basement, located in Rambler’s Reach Post. Available material outfit mostly consists of blue colors along with red, yellow, and grey.

                                                                    Rebel Hero

                                                                    • In-game Description: High-waisted and well-pressed, ideal for formal occasions – medal ceremonies, for instance.
                                                                    • Location: These pants are obtainable by purchasing the Deluxe Edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. The other available colors include grey, brown, blue, and green.


                                                                    • In-game Description: Practical wear synonymous with the Jedi Order, bound by hardy fabric and tradition.
                                                                    • Location: The Jedi Outfit chest is located at Trailhead Pantheon in Jedha. Make sure you’ve unlocked the Crypt Of Urhma meditation point. Head to the big door on your right and climb up the stairs. The chest is inside an entrance on the wall. You’ll obtain the entire Jedi Outfit, which includes jackets, Pants, and their materials. Available colors for these pants are grey, blue, and white.


                                                                    • In-game Description: The greaves and half-skirt of a soldier whose war is now long forgotten.
                                                                    • Location: Travel to Arid Flats in Jedha. Once there, you will find a chest on your right from the meditation point. To find Commander Pants outfit material, head to Loading Gantry located in Koboh. You will unlock color variations which include blue, brown, and grey.

                                                                    Final Remarks

                                                                    Exploring the galaxy in your default clothes sounds pretty basic, doesn’t it? If you look around the right spots, you will gather a good collection of outfits in no time. The available customization options further allow players to try out new looks on Cal. We have listed down all outfits in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor to help players find them easily. Good Luck!

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