Star Wars Jedi Survivor: All Bounty Hunters Locations

There are a handful of Bounty Hunters in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Take them down and earn some rewards with our guide's help.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Bounty Hunters
All Bounty Hunters in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Being a Jedi Knight comes with long journies fraught with dangers. One of these dangers includes Haxian Brood’s Bounty Hunters. Their sole purpose is to track any Jedi Knight and kill them. Therefore, Cal being a Jedi Knight himself, must keep an eye out for these Bounty Hunters and take them down before they do.

Once you progress through the main storyline and perform the main quest, “Research Tanalorr On Koboh,” you will encounter your first bounty hunter in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, named Korej Lim.

Defeat him, and you’ll meet Caij Vanda, who will enlighten you about other Bounty Hunters looking for you. She tells Cal if he meets her in Phyloon’s Saloon, she will help him locate other hunters. Take them down, and you’ll get rewarded with an exchangeable item.

Key Takeaways

  • Bounty Hunters, akin to assassins under Haxion Brood’s command, hunt Cal with the intent to eliminate him.
  • There are 17 Bounty Hunters scattered throughout the game that players must locate and defeat.
  • Upon defeat, Bounty Hunters drop Bounty Pucks, which players can trade with Caij for unique abilities and weapons.
  • After defeating all 17 Bounty Hunters, players receive a Blaster as a reward.
  • Accomplishing this feat unlocks the “Caij Match” achievement/trophy.

Here is a summary table for the locations of all the Bounty Hunters in Star Wars Jedi Survivor:

1KobohOuter Rim Territories,
Galactic Frontier
2Korej Limplanet Koboh
3Kip Ostarthe Derelict Dam
4Selfin Jookplanet Koboh
5Jo The Cannibalplanet Koboh
6Vaslyn Martzplanet Koboh
7Meyen Corrplanet Koboh
8Razplanet Cianap
9Caij Vandaplanet Koboh
10Nova Garon
Hangar Bay
11Fenn Finauthe Hanger Bay on Nova Garon.
12Masi FinauHangar Bay
14Corde The HalfHalls of Ranvell
15PR-85T The Other HalfHalls of Ranvell
16Kili OsoSanctuary Temple
18CoruscantCore Worlds
The Interior
19Gatt MedoCoruscant
20Shattered MoonPlanet Koboh
21MashForrest Array

Encountering the first Bounty Hunter in Star Wars Jedi Survivor Bounty Hunters
Encountering the first Bounty Hunter – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming

All Bounty Hunters Locations

There are a total of 17 Bounty Hunters in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, located on different planets. In order to defeat them and obtain rewards from Caij, you must track them down. Continue reading for each Bounty Hunter’s location:

Planet: Koboh

  1. Korej Lim: Devastated Settlement (Main storyline mission “On The Trail”).
  2. Kip Ostar: Derelict Dam meditation point.Star Wars Jedi Survivor Bounty HuntersDefeating Kip Oster – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming
  3. Selfin Jook: Observatory Understructure in Mountain Ascent (complete “Confront Dagan at Koboh Observatory” quest).
  4. Jo The Cannibal: Visit Caij in Phyloon’s Saloon after defeating the first 15 bounty hunters.
  5. Vaslyn Martz: Fogged Expanse in Prospector’s Folly.
  6. Meyen Corr: Boiling Bluff in Rambler’s Reach Outpost.
  7. Raz: Forest Array in Basalt Forest.
  8. Caij Vanda: Phyloon’s Saloon in Rambler’s Reach (after defeating all 16 bounty hunters).Star Wars Jedi Survivor Bounty HuntersCaij Vanda, the final Bounty Hunter – Image Credits: VeryAli Gaming

Planet: Nova Garon

  1. Kle-0: II-0810 Satellite Station’s Hanger Bay Exterior.
  2. Fenn Finau: Hanger Bay Exterior in II-0810 Satellite Station.
  3. Masi Finau: Hanger Bay Exterior in II-0810 Satellite Station.

Planet: Jedha

  1. Corde The Half: Halls Of Ranvell in Ancient Ruins.
  2. PR-85T The Other Half: Halls of Ranvell in Ancient Ruins.
  3. Kili Oso: Sanctuary Temple in Pilgrim’s Sanctuary.
  4. Yuhong: Anchorite’s Base in Path to Restoration.

Planet: Coruscant

  1. Gatt Medo: Freight Handling Depot in Undercity Industry.

Planet: Shattered Moon

  1. Mash: Automated Forge in Abandoned Foundry.

Defeat these Bounty Hunters to claim your rewards and progress in the game!

Rewards For Defeating The Bounty Hunters

Of course, defeating a handful of Bounty Hunters, ready to kill you at first sight, comes with rewards. Whether you obtain them from Caij in-game or obtain them as an achievement, the hard work seems to be paid off. The two rewards you collect by defeating Bounty Hunters in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor are as follows:

  1. Bounty Pucks: These are received as a reward for completing a Bounty Hunt. Simply scan the defeated Bounty Hunter’s body to collect a Bounty Puck. These pucks serve as in-game currency and can be traded with Caij in Devastated Settlement for special abilities and weapon upgrades. Additionally, defeating Caij Vanda in Holotactics grants an extra bounty puck.

  2. Caij Vanda’s Blaster: Upon defeating all 16 Bounty Hunters, players will face Caij Vanda as the final challenge. Upon her defeat, she drops her Blaster, consisting of all three parts. Cal picks up the Blaster during a cutscene, and players can equip the weapon later on.

  3. Trophy/Achievement: Players can earn the “Caij Match” achievement or trophy after defeating all 17 bounty hunters, including Caij Vanda. This achievement is one of the 53 available in the game.

Now that you’re aware of Bounty Hunters, their location, and the rewards they offer, get your lightsaber ready and go for some hunting. These Bounty Hunters will help you become stronger by dropping Bounty Pucks. Happy Gaming!

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