Being one of the classiest and toughest horses in Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom, who wouldn’t want the Great White Stallion in their collection? I will show you how to find and acquire the horse.
Key Takeaways Here are the Summary table stats for the Great White Stallion:
White Stallion Stats table. To start the rumor about finding the Giant White Stallion, players must start the quest called A Picture For Highland Stable. You can find this quest in the Hyrule Stable at x=0518, y=-3442, z=0047. This is located in the Southeast part of the Central Hyrule. You must enter the stable and find the blank wooden wall inside. Interact with the wall to talk to Padok, who will explain that he needs the picture of the Great White Stallion. This will initiate your quest to find the horse. You will find the horse located in the Ibara Butte after crossing the Lake of Horse God, the coordinates are x=0729, y=-3743, z=0081. To reach this place: To make it easier to capture the horse, I recommend taking down your noisy gear to increase your stealth since you must sneak up on the Great White Stallion. You should also have stamina-replenishing consumables because the horse will exhaust your stamina while being tamed. You must have a supply of Energizing Elixir and use it when your bar of stamina expires. There are two ways to approach the Great White Stallion. Once mounted, you must repeatedly keep pressing the button to Soothe him. This process will exhaust your stamina, so refill it; otherwise, the horse will throw you off his back. Eventually, the horse will be tamed, and you can ride it back to the stable. Return to the stable and register your horse to Padok, which will cost you 20 rupees. You can now build a stronger bond with the horse, further increasing his fighting skills and loyalty to you. Unfortunately, the Great White Stallion cannot be upgraded further, even by the Horse God. The good news is that you can still customize it according to your desire but with limited options, making it the best option in the game. Remember to have enough stamina and patience to tame the horse. You can acquire this early in the game, making it a great companion for your adventures. Up Next: Good job! Please give your positive feedback 😏 How could we improve this post? Please Help us. 💡 Ehtishaam is an enthusiastic gamer who is never tired of playing games and writing about them. He is pursuing his career in Electrical Engineering while keeping an active interest in CS. I keep myself busy playing football when I am not focused on content writing. My dedication towards gaming knew no bounds, as I started spending hours on my Pentium 4 PC, playing GTA. If you don’t see me posting content, I’ll probably be pushing rank in Valorant or Counter Strike. Connect with me on Steam if you plan on playing some competitive.
Speed 5
Stamina and Pull The Giant White Stallion cannot have a harness attached.
Temperament Wild
Strength 5
Highland Stable Side Quest
Finding The Great White Stallion
Capturing The Horse
Registering The Horse
Can You Upgrade Horse?